The Monster's Diary

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She saw her face through the window on the door; it was a new face. She looked disgusting, just like any other whore in school. As she took her steps towards my desk, I cringed as her body spray wafted towards my nostrils.

She sat down without a word and didn't speak until the teacher called for attendance. I mumbled 'here' as the teacher flew past the rest of the names. I could hear whispers echoing from each side of me as to who this girl was. It was depressing how I wanted to edit my previous statement. She wasn't a whore; she just wanted to be one.

The way her hair flipped revealed split ends. The makeup caked on her face barely concealed her freckles. Her outfit appeared as if it was picked out by a blind Sunday School teacher and later torn up by her bare hands to reveal copious amounts of skin.

The bell rang. Thank God. I pushed my way through the poor excuses for human beings in the hall to get to my next class. I plopped down in my chair, getting my mind off of everyone. I looked up not even two seconds later to notice that same cunt strut through the doorway. I was getting irritated now. She shouldn't even have the right to breathe polluted air. Realizing she was walking past my desk to a seat far from me, I sighed with relief. Two hours next to her would bring me to my breaking point, let alone one hour.

Her seat was next to my best friend, Jonathan.

I knew that he would have the same opinion of her as me. I mean, who else doesn't think of her the way I do? She should be kicked out of school. I would pay to watch someone tilt her head back and drop bricks on her teeth.

As she sat down, I noticed Jonathan giving her a friendly smile. Why did he do it? I have no clue. I saw both of their mouths making words. I couldn't make out anything they were discussing because of the distance and chatter of the students. They were laughing. Is she really going to start flirting with a random guy on her first day? I was furious at this point. I had not the slightest clue what was going on through Jonathan's mind. I just wanted to break through the noise of the classroom and yell 'Get away from him!' but my mouth remained locked up.

Being forced to sit through seventy minutes of my best friend and a tramp flirting was more than enough to throw me over the edge. I didn't even desire to make any contact with him for the rest of that day. He should know what he did wrong. What an idiot. I needed to tell Aly about this. She will hardly believe it. Maybe she will talk a bit of sense into Jonathan.

Aly was the type of person to tell anyone what was on her mind, regardless of the consequence. She had no filter from her head to her mouth. Usually she's the type of person I fear. Honestly, I still watch myself around her, but we have sort of developed a friendly bond since freshman year.

When class ended, I almost bolted to the next one. I had my next class with Aly, and I already knew everything I had to inform her of about the new girl. Seeing Aly's face gave me total relief. I knew I was able to vent to her about everything on my mind and knew that she would most likely support me through every sentence of my opinion.

When I walked up to her, I didn't even greet her. I just erupted and vomited out all of my words into one big rainbow of bitterness. I told her everything that happened. I told her what she tried to look like, how conceited she was, and how she was flirting with Jonathan.

As I was telling her this, her eyes grew and she started to laugh. She was already disturbed by her presence too, I could tell. She laughs sometimes to show her irritation. Aly hated a lot of girls in our school. She has even mentioned how she hated girls in general. She had a large amount of influence on a majority of people. When she had an opinion, it overruled everyone else's opinion through her eyes. After some time, it did. If she hated someone, everyone hated that someone.

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