The People Watchers

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(This is a sequel to 7 Ordinary Days)

The following is a transcript of a number of videos from a vlog. The vlog has since been removed by the site, which, for the safety of the reader, I am redacting. However, I was able to save them and copy down the events that occurred, unfortunately, during the download, the videos were corrupted and only the audio survived the process. I’m hoping this additional info will help reveal whoever…whatever…these People Watchers are.

Entry 1The Transcripts

Today, I found the log left by a deceased relative…I think it was my [garbled static overwhelms the voice]. I read it through…Did [more static] have dementia? These things are impossible. The only thing that really drew my attention though, was the People Watchers he mentioned.

People…who aren’t people…dressed in suits that watch the lives of others? Must be boring, even with the tons of neurosis that people have now-a-days…even for a lark.

Entry 2

I started looking into the People Watchers a bit more…from everything I’ve found, that was a poor decision. They seem to take notice of those who take notice of them. I really just thought this was some weird joke or fantasm of [The audio becomes incredibly garbled] creation. [A grungy squeak is heard, the sound of a swivel chair on wood follows. The audio is completely silent for about a minute and a half before the swivel chair sounds as if someone sat down in it quite hard.] Sorry about that, thought I heard the door, must be my imagination.

What was I talking about….ah..yeah. I thought they were fake but…I’m beginning to rethink that assumption. Some of the small things that [shrieking static overtakes the audio] are happening to me now. I’m not sure if they are gaps in memory…or what…but things like towels that I’ve folded up and put away end up back on the towel rack. I saw the cooking surface of my oven kick on by its self while I was making a sandwich. I asked my neighbor if anything odd had been happening to him…he said he hadn’t noticed anything.

He asked me what was wrong, but I shrugged it off and said I was feeling a bit under the weather. I’m setting my vlog to private usage after this post though, sorry to the few who enjoy my posts, but I think this might be for the better. Best of luck to you, if this passes without occurrence, I’ll be back. Famous last words eh? [Some rustling sounds are heard followed by a mechanical click. The audio is silent for a period, but the video still has 10 minutes 21 seconds left at this point. After a minute or two, the same grungy squeak from earlier is heard again. Some light footsteps can be heard, judging by the sound, they were approaching the mic’s position. For the next nine minutes all that can be heard are chitinous clicking sounds mixed in with static and what sounds like garbled speech. The video cuts as a screeching static bellows out.]

Entry 3

[This entry appears to take place soon after the last one cuts off.] My neighbor woke me up from sleep, pounding on my front door. He said he heard an almost deafening screech from my house. I told him I didn’t hear a thing and looked at me like I was on crack or something. I told him he just woke me up but I don’t think he believed me. He wasn’t mad, he just looked concerned. I had to let that concept of me sleeping through something like that run through my head a couple times before I became alerted by the fact that I HAD slept through it.

Then I noticed something else…all my computer equipment has been moved about, like someone shoved all of my equipment back against the wall. I’ve checked my doors and windows…everything is locked. They’ve obviously been inside my house already…tonight…I’m not sure how they got in, but I know I’m not going to sleep any time soon. [As the speaker finishes “soon” crackling can be heard picking up in the background.]

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