Chapter 2

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(Yerim's P.O.V)

"What!?"I snap at them,I realized what I just said.clamping my hand in my mouth and said sorry to them and they nod.

"Im just curious that when you fainted.jungkook is running like he is in a marathon tournament with a worried face"jessica said taking a bite in the pizza.

"Jungkook carried me?"I ask and they nod.

"I should say thank you to him"I said while eating my pizza

"That's good unnie....ohh I reminding you that no one will catch you up because I have to tutor and jessica unnie have a shift..Unnie please take a bus I dont want you to hurt. arrasso"she said in worried voice.

"Arrasso"I said and clean our table.

We made our way to the gym when suddenly we heard BTS song in the dance studio.

Because where curious we made our way towards the studio...

We walk silently and look thru the window to see BTS dancing.

'So Bts is also will partipate on the contest...'i thought


we look at each other and run to the bathroom to change to our p.e uniform.

"Oh god i forgot our bag in my room"Sinb said.

"What is the connection of that"jessica said.

"Shut up unnie!that means we don't have our clothes with us.I'm sorry"Sinb said and hung her head low.

"What!!!!I don't want to wear shorts and fitted T-shirt!"jessica shout while panicking

"Shut up unnie and sinb its okey,next time don't forget it again,arraso?"I  said and hug her.

"Nae.thank you unnie"she said while hugging me back.

"Okey let's change"
(10 minutes later)

"Omo yerim!!why are you so hot in our uniform"jessica unnie complaining.

I just stare at the ground while blushing at the compliment.

I try finding anything to  cover my body because I feel like walking half naked in school.

After a minute of digging in my locker I found a hoodie that triple size big in my body.

when I wear it........its smell someone but who is it?why its in my locker? Nevermind.


When we reach to the court we see all our classmate even BTS maknae line is here.

"Ms Jeon,Ms. Park and Ms. Hwang Why are you late."Mr park ask.

"Sir the libririan ask us if we could help her place all the books to the right shelves and time past by we forgotten to look at the clock to see that we're late,we know the time when the librian said to us"I lied.

"Okay next time pay attention and why are you in hoodie.its nearly summer take it off"mr.park said


"Detention after school take it off"mr. Park shout.

"I don-"

"1 week detention"


"1 week detention and you'll clean the bathroom"he said in stern voice

"Okay" I said and taking off the hoodie

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