Campfire Stories

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(Slight blood warning for Raven's story)


I smiled as Raven piped up for telling a story, wondering what story she would tell since she really didn't like talking about her past.

We all looked at her curiously, seeming to be thinking the same thing which made her roll her eyes.

"Once, in these very woods, lived a giant, man-eating panther."

"Not too far off from most panthers if you go near them." I thought but listened to her story.

"And once, there was a small group of travelers who thought it was nothing but myth, so they stayed here - in this very spot." A shiver ran involuntarily down my back.  I had never heard of the panther and was pretty sure it was make believe but it was still chilling to hear her telling this sort of tale.

"And so, they camped fearlessly, laughing at all those too silly to take the myth as nothing more.  They laughed and joked about how they would get home twice as fast on this route that was oh-so-possessed.  Then, there was a sudden movement in the forest." I heard Octavia's sharp intake of breath that made Clarke jump at the sudden noise, Lexa wrapping her arm around her protectively.

"They were quiet, tense, but there was no more noise or movement.  So they resumed an uneasy conversation.  Then a snapping of a twig.  They were silent, staring at the area of origin but nothing - not even a leaf - moved.  They listened to the silence around them before laughing uneasily at how easily they were being spooked before agreeing on who would take first watch."

I glanced around again, most were huddled up with their partner as if daring some real panther to come out and get them.

"After that, everyone but the person on watch retired to their tents, falling into a light, uneasy sleep.    They were all awoken suddenly to the sound of a snarl, a yell, a thud, and then absolute silence.  They were quiet, figuring it was imagination only, but still the silence wore on.  Still they grew more nervous.  Still silence.  Their hearts pounded." I stared intently at my fiance, on edge for what would happen next.

"Slowly they emerged, looking into the shadows on the edge of the fire's light.  There, on the edge, was the man who had been on watch, a single, large slash mark through his abdomen as his blood covered the ground.

And there behind the body, stood the large panther, blood covering his muzzle and claws.  And it watched them in still silence for a few moments before, almost elegantly, stepping over the body.  It let out a loud snarling cry, and launched itself at the remaining campers." Raven paused, looking around at the horrified and shocked looks of our friends, before giving an odd sort of smile, "You see, never be too proud as to think that something is a myth, simply because you haven't seen it."

We all swallowed.

"That was...  Good, Raven." Clarke said uneasily.

Raven shrugged, "First thing that came to mind.  Anyone else?" She asked, eyes glimmering hopefully.

"I'll tell one." Octavia volunteered after a few moments.

"Alright." Clarke said.

Octavia thought for a few moments before speaking, "Once there were two wolves.  They were inseparable.  Where one went, the other followed.  You could never find one without the other.  Yet as time drew  on and years passed, they fought more and more.  Perhaps they were too similar, or too different, and it was finally catching up."

This was a popular story among the Trikru, and I smiled at getting to hear it again after so many years.

"The two were seen together less and less, and the division of the ancient wolves changed the very earth.  Where one went darkness followed and where the other went light followed.

After a major fight they decided they could not risk running into each other again, so they gave up their lives to make the world better.  The one of light became the sun and the one of darkness the moon."

I smiled, it was a short story but I liked it.

"And yet, sometimes the two still come together.  They talk, and sometimes argue, but after months and even years of being apart they mostly talk.  Like opposites, eventually they attract.  The two watched as wars raged and fires burned, leaving only devastation in their wake.  And now, they watch the peaceful world and know, what they did was good."

I smiled at the new ending she gave it, looking over to see Lexa with a similar look.

The snap of a twig made us all jump, especially Raven, and I found I had a sword in my hand.

We stared over at the spot, only silence following as the night filled with the sound of the crackling fire.

"Alright, you know what...  This is stupid." I grumbled, hopping over the log Raven and I had previously been sitting on and making my way to the sound.

Cautiously, I moved the bushes around to reveal - of course - a panther.  However this one didn't seem to be in the mood for killing people.

It was half grown and growled slightly at my approach, pressing itself backwards.  I could see multiple scratches on it and I could only guess that its' mother had been killed.

Then I heard a distant yowl, like a call.

The young panther jumped at the noise, gave me one last hiss, and took off running.

I shook my head fondly, returning back to the camp.

"What was it?" Raven asked worriedly.

"A half grown panther that had been separated from its' mother, that's what that distant call was." I said, amused at how jumpy we had all become.

Everyone nodded.

"I think it's time for sleep if we're all jumping over a campfire story." Clarke mused, taking Lexa's hand and leading her off to their tent.

"She has a point, plus we have more travelling to do in the morning." I said, taking Raven's hand.

"Night." Bellamy said.

"Good night." I returned, leading Raven to our tent.

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