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I smiled as Clarke left, chasing after something.  Chuckling softly to myself I looked around at the celebration around me.

I could see Luna and Raven dancing - not caring whether anyone was watching or not.  Part of the time they did the traditional moves and the rest of the time they did whatever they felt like - smiles and/or grins seeming like a permanent fixture on their faces at this moment.

Abby and Marcus were dancing as well, doing some sort of Skaikru dance I guessed.

My gaze flitted through the crowds, searching for anyone that I knew.  I had to do a double take, my gaze jerking back to the spot, as I saw the Bellamy boy (who had been unaccounted for most of the Skaikru's visit) dancing with an Azgeda woman.

I caught a glimpse of her face as they spun, both grinning.   Wait, was that E-

"Hey babe." Clarke's voice interrupted my train of thought.

"Hey." I said, smiling at her.

The song changed into a slower pace and she extended her hand to me, "May I have this dance?" She asked sweetly.

I bit my lip and nodded, accepting the hand and allowing her to help me to my feet.  She guided me onto the makeshift dance floor and guided us into the waltzing position that I recognized from books.

We swayed, getting closer without realizing it until we were inches apart.  "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" She asked in a breath.

"How much?" I asked quietly.

"So much that it could get me to the other side of the universe and back." She said softly.

I grinned and couldn't resist kissing her at that moment.  I didn't care if it was in public, or if people saw, or if I would get relentless teasing from Raven and/or Octavia for it.  All that mattered in this moment was her.

The kiss was held for much longer than intended and - apparently - went so long Raven thought it good to call it out.

"Get a room Griff!  Get a room Heda!" She called.

We broke apart with a laugh, looking over to where Luna and Raven were standing - looking on like most people.  Luna had a soft smile on her face as she gazed at Raven, shaking her head slightly, while Raven had a mischievous grin.

"Can we get a sound proof one for my brother?" Octavia called.

Clarke laughed and turned towards the voice.  People were going back to dancing now so the three of us, Lincoln, Luna, and Raven headed to the side.  "Why does he need a sound proof room?" Clarke asked curiously.

"Let's just say it's dangerous to walk past his room on the way to the common room.  Ontari and I learned that the hard way.  He has a girlfriend that he never told me about." The Trikru warrior explained.

"Who do you think it is?" Clarke asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"I don't know, I just wish they knew the definition of quiet."

"Like you do." Raven said sarcastically.

Octavia blushed but quickly recovered and stuck out her tongue, "At least my fiancé is-"

"Hold up!  Fiancé?!?  Since when?!?" Raven interrupted (which is good because I'm not sure Octavia knew where she was going with that).

"Since a few minutes ago." Octavia said while smiling happily.

"O, that's amazing.  Congratulations.  And here I thought these two would be the first to get hitched." Raven said.

"Hitched?" Luna asked with a frown.

"Have I ever mentioned how adorable you are when you're confused?" Raven asked.

Luna giggled and smiled.

"Anyways, hitched is another word for engaged in Skaikru slang." Raven said.

Clarke started humming a tune.  "Clarke, shut up.  Even I know enough to know that and we haven't even started there." Octavia stated.

"Oh fine." Clarke huffed.

I chuckled and shook my head fondly.  "I will never get tired of listening to you three." I told the three girls from the Skai.

"Thanks Commander.  Now, to go have - as I'm sure Raven would say - not-so-secret activities with my fiancé." Octavia said.

"You go do that.  I don't have to sleep next door anymore." Raven said, sticking out her tongue.

Just then the music changed and Luna bounced, "Raven come on!" She said, half-dragging her partner out onto the dance floor - much to everyone (including Raven's) amusement.

I chuckled and looped my arm around Clarke, "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know.  Is there somewhere we could go that's quieter?" She asked.

I smiled, "I know just the place." I practically hummed, then took off running.

I heard her startled "Hey!" and her chasing me.  I grinned and led her off into the forest.  She was only slightly behind me, following me deep into the forest.

I stopped at the base of a large tree - much larger than the others in the area.  "How is your tree climbing?" I asked.

"Ee-r ee-r." She said.

I chuckled and started going up, pausing every couple branches to make sure she was okay.  We fell into an easy rhythm and made our way to the top much faster than I'd anticipated.

At almost the very top was a large space the tree's branches had brown to make a large area - easily able to fit four or five people comfortably, maybe six.

I scooted over towards the edge with her following closely.  There was practically no way to fall through the branches since there was hardly any space that wasn't a branch.

I looked out and - because the tree was taller than the others - we could see the lights of Polis and the flame on top of the Tower.

"This is beautiful Lex." She said softly.

"I used to come here whenever I could - to get away and think.  This was my safe place." I looked over to find that she had already turned her gaze to me, "You're the first and only person I've told about this, let alone shown it to."

"I won't tell anyone." She promised.

I smiled and snuggled close to her, "I love it here, it's quiet."

"Yeah, and I've got the two most beautiful views here." Clarke said.

I grinned, "What would those be?" I asked curiously.

"You, obviously," She paused to kiss the top of my head, "and this view." She finished, looking back out over the landscape below us.

I smiled, glad to see she enjoyed this as much as I did.

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