Still Standing

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(NOTE: Chapter cover made by Haphephobia at Melting Moon Graphics on Quotev)


My warriors notified me as soon as activity picked up in Arkadia.  Octavia and Lincoln must have assassinated Pike - or Clarke had done what she was so scared of.

I noticed the three of them emerge from the Ark and knew something was wrong - it was only supposed to be Octavia and Lincoln.

I dashed through the plains, stopping outside the fence and slowing.  I carefully slipped under - not wanting to touch it for fear of being electrocuted (whatever that meant).

I approached where Clarke, Octavia, and Lincoln had been stopped by Bellamy - who had a gun pointed at Clarke's head.

"Bellamy please. It was for the best of our people. Just let us go and you'll never have to see us again." She begged.

"No Clarke.  I'm afraid I can't do that." Bellamy replied in a snarl.

I had drawn my swords by now and leaped out of hiding, hitting Bellamy on the head with the butt end of my one blade.  He fell to the ground unconscious and I looked to Clarke, "You can explain to me what is going on later.  Right now get out of here." I ordered, hearing more guards approaching.

Clarke hesitated but Lincoln and Octavia dragged her out under the fence, pulling her towards the tree line.  I turned around to face the three guards that had rounded the corner.

I dashed at them, dodging their bullets.  I sliced through two of them and knocked the other unconscious, then turned to face two more guards who were approaching.

"Charles Pike is dead!  Marcus Kane is now Chancellor!" Abby's voice rang out as I sliced the two guards.

The camp seemed to relax and the guards lowered their weapons.  "Abby, Kane, over here!  Hurry!" A young man called as he discovered me, looking down at my stomach worriedly.

I looked down and instantly fear spread through me as I saw the black blood oozing out from between plates in my armor.  I knew my wound had reopened at least partly and felt my legs give out from under me, feeling strong arms catch me.


I stirred to here someone struggling.  Instantly my eyes flew open and I looked to the door where - outside -  the noise was coming from.

"Let me through!" Clarke's voice drifted to me.

"Idiots.  All they're going to do is get someone - maybe even themselves - hurt." Abby growled, marching away and out the door - leaving it open.  "Let her through!  She can visit the Commander!" She snapped.

The guards mumbled apologies and I heard racing footsteps from down the corridor.  "Oh no you don't Bellamy!" Clarke snarled, blocking his way into the room.

Bellamy chuckled, "I only want to tell her what you really think." He said.

"You know as well as I do that they were all lies." Clarke growled but her voice held a note of helplessness.

"Bellamy you are not permitted to see her, take him away from here." Kane growled as he approached.

"Yes Kane." Bellamy said, leaving without the guards assistance.

As soon as Bellamy was gone Clarke dashed over, wrapping her arms around me and burying her face in my chest.  It was now that I realized I had been changed into a black shirt and black pants rather than my armor.

I felt tears falling onto me and frowned, "Clarke what's wrong?" I asked softly.

"I'm sorry Lexa.  I'm so sorry.  I didn't want to, I hated it.  I had to do it.  I'm sorry." Clarke whimpered, more tears falling and wetting my skin.

I looked to Abby and Kane for an answer and Abby spoke up, "In order to poison Pike - which is how we killed him rather than the original assassination plan we had - Clarke had to get close to someone he trusted since she knew he would never trust her." She sighed deeply, looking sadly at Clarke.

I ran my hand through her hair, my other arm having wrapped around her as if I could protect her from whatever had made her so upset.

"The only way to do that was to use someone who used to know and trust her that was close to Pike - that was Bellamy." Kane said, picking up where Abby left off, "To get him to trust that she was on their side and against you was to pretend she hated you and anything to do with the Grounders - though she didn't mean any of it obviously." He said.

I nodded, understanding why she was so upset.  "It's alright Clarke, I forgive you.  As long as you didn't mean any of it, that's what's important to me - not that you said it.  Okay?" I said.

She nodded, still not moving her face from where it was pressed against my chest, "Okay." She murmured.

"Look at me." I said.  She raised her blue eyes to meet mine and I felt my breath hitch at the stunning beauty of them.  "I don't care what you said about me to get Bellamy to trust you as long as you didn't mean it." I said softly.

She nodded, a small smile on her face now, "I didn't mean it Lexa." She promised.

I smiled, pulling her closer so that I could push my lips to her's.  We both smiled into it, having missed each other's touch.  We poured our feelings into it and how we'd felt during our time apart.  As we finally pulled apart I smiled, "I love you." I breathed, just loud enough for her to hear.

"I love you too."

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