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I grinned at Lexa as she smiled, looking absolutely beautiful despite the blood that stained her armor and the few drops on her neck and face.

"So what now?" Raven asked, shattering the moment.

"Now?" I asked and Raven nodded.

"For now we rest and recover, I will have someone clean this up." Lexa said.

We all nodded and turned, heading back to our rooms.

"You okay?" I asked when we got there.

Lexa nodded, offering me a smile, "Yes."

"What are you planning to do with her?" I asked.

Lexa sighed, "I have an idea - but I don't know what you'll think."

I nodded, "Alright.  And just know - whatever it is - at least in public I'll back you." I said.

She nodded with a small smile, "Thank you Clarke." She said gently.

I smiled, "I'll always be there for you Lex." I said.

She grinned, looking like she could light up Old Earth's New York City after dark.  Wait, isn't that a song?

Yeah, it was.  But it's in a song meant to insult someone.  However my statement stands.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, amused.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

She laughed, "You zoned out." She teased.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I said.  Yes, about Old Earth cities and songs.

She giggled, "Okay." She said, stepping closer and entwining our hands.

I grinned, looking at her.  It still mesmerized me that someone like her wanted me.  Me of all people.

"Should I go check on Luna?  Make sure she isn't injured?" I asked.

Lexa nodded, "I might be opening her to injury with my idea but I don't want her to die." She said.

I nodded, "I'll be back soon then." I said, stretching up to peck her cheek (Seriously!  She's like two inches or a little bit more taller than me, and I'm not short!).

"Alright, I'll be here." She called softly after me.

I flashed her one more smile before I exited the room, heading downstairs to the dungeon.  The trip passed in silence, my thoughts caught up in running over what had happened.

I paused as I reached the last corner, hearing someone talking softly, "You're okay." It sounded like...  Raven?!?

"Where am I?  What happened?" Luna asked groggily.  It was likely that the tranquilizer (wow, I feel like I'm talking about her like she's an animal and she's not) had just worn off.

"You're back in your cell - for now at least.  I shot you with a tranquilizer so you wouldn't kill the Commander." Raven said and - despite the gentleness to her voice - I heard the hint of pride in her voice as she spoke about the tranquilizer.

"Thank you." Luna said.

"You do know I technically shot you?  Right?"

"Yes, but you also stopped me from killing my sister." Luna said.

"Well, in that case, you're welcome.  I wish I could say that everything is going to be okay but there's no guarantee of that." Raven said.

"Whatever I get I deserve." Luna countered.

"No way am I letting you get killed." Raven said, determined.

"Don't do-" Luna stopped since Raven had already marched out of the cell and was heading for the exit, "Where are you going?"

"To talk to the Commander!"

Letting her go off to do that, I rounded the corner to see Luna.  She was sitting against the wall, a worried look on her face.

"She'll be okay." I assured her.

"I don't want her hurt for me."

"Lexa won't.  She already told me she has an idea of what to do."

"And what is that?"

"I have no idea other than you might get hurt." I said.

She nodded, "So why are you here?"

"To make sure you aren't hurt currently."

She chuckled, "I'm okay." She said.

"So you'll let me look you over?"


I gave her a quick look over and found no injuries, much to my satisfaction and surprise.  "I'll see you later." I said.

She nodded and watched me go silently.  I headed up stairs and for the Nightbloods' room.  I needed to make sure all of them were okay - mentally and physically.  Especially Aden.

When I entered the room I was relieved to see all of them were sleeping and looked alright.  All of them but one anyways.

"Aden?" I asked quietly, slipping further into the room.

He looked up at me, "Hey Clarke." He said.

"Do you want to talk?" I asked.

He hesitated, looking like he didn't know what to say to that, before nodding.  "Not here though, I don't want to wake the others." He said, standing from where he was seated in a chair and leading me to a vacant room.

I sat down on one of the couches in the room and he sat on the other, opposite me.  "Are you okay?" I started with.  It seemed like a dumb question after today.  He had nearly been killed and told his Commander had almost had him killed years ago.

He thought for a moment, his look soft and thoughtful, before nodding, "I think so."

"Did you know?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I knew my parents had been killed when I was young, but not that they were Floukru or that it had been in an attack on their village."

"How are you?  Emotionally?"

"Honestly that's hard to answer.  I'm greatful to Luna for saving me but Lexa has been more of a mother than my aunt ever was.  I know that Lexa would never have children purposely harmed - let alone killed.  But I know I owe Luna for saving me." He said.

"Luna is a good person on the inside Aden.  Just as Lexa is." I said, reassuring him.

"How do you know?"

"She helped me Aden, she told me about the things she's done wrong and admitted they were wrong.  She helped me reassure Lexa on somethings.  She also cares for people, whether she shows it or not." I said.

He smiled slightly, "Thank you Clarke." He said.

I nodded, "Go get some sleep Aden, I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded and stood, heading for his room.  I followed him, heading for mine and Lexa's room.

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