Thinking and An Old Earth Song

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I smiled over at Lincoln, who had arrived back about an hour ago.  We had swapped greetings before settling into our own things, him sketching or something of the likes while I continued polishing and sharpening my sword that honestly didn't need it at this point.

Since I'd talked to Murphy my mind had been straying to the rather odd question he'd asked.  It was a good one, but odd.

I could remember the feeling of helplessness like it had just happened yesterday.  I had had way too many close calls with Lincoln for the feeling not to be ingrained in my mind like a lightning strike in a tree.

The first was when he'd been taken by the Mountain, then when his heart had stopped, next there had been the missile and when he'd gone to take out the sniper, then his undercover mission which hadn't gone as planned, and - last but definitely not least - Pike.

The very name made my hold on my sword's hilt tighten and the familiar urge to slash at something - living or inanimate - struck me.  Of all the times that didn't involve Lincoln's heart stopping, that had been the worst.  Because I knew that it was only a matter of time before Pike turned on Lincoln.  Before Pike took him from me in a way that meant he never could come back, not in this life.

I shook off the memories, reminding myself that Lincoln was here and Pike was not.  That I wasn't alone and lost as I once had been.  My heart still beat steadily in my chest and I could feel the urge to live through anything, rather than the emptiness of the thought of life without Lincoln.

I hadn't realized it but I'd began rubbing the simple ring that Lincoln had proposed with.  It was extremely simple but I adored it.  Most people preferred the fancy rings with big diamonds and stuff but I adored the complete simpleness of my ring.  It was just a grey ring, nothing seemingly special about it.  It was shiny enough to be noticed but not enough so that it could get me noticed if I ever needed to remain hidden.

The best part of the ring, in my opinion, was the shallow engravement that you had to look closely to see or know that it was there.  It was simple, like the rest, just being "L + O" but the meaning and sentiment behind it were clear as day.

With every pass of my finger I could feel the shallow dips of the letters, each time ringing with the longer message.  I was his and he was mine, just the way it was meant to be.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

"What is it hodnes (love)?" Lincoln asked, looking up with that smile that could make me melt.

I shook my head fondly, "I was just thinking and this Old Earth song came into my head." I chuckled, "Bellamy used to love it for some reason." I said, rolling my eyes.  I had never seen the point to love or love songs since I'd been kept secret, but now I could understand there value.

He tilted his head curiously, "What is it?"

I chuckled, "I don't remember the name or all the lyrics but I remember bits and pieces and the chorus."

"Sing me what you know." He requested softly, eyes alight with quiet curiosity.

I chuckled, "The first part I remember is the chorus." I said, pausing to recall the whole thing, "Actually, I remember most of it.  It's just the very beginning I don't." I said, amused, before beginning to sing in what I hoped wasn't a horrible butchering of the song.

"But Katie's young and man she just don't care

She'd follow Tommy anywhere

She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
And even if they have to run away
She's gonna marry that boy someday

Katie and Tommy at the drive-in movie
Parked in the very last row
They're too busy holding on to one another
To even care about the show
But later on outside the Tastee Freeze,
Tommy slips something on her hand
He says, 'my high school ring will have to do
Till I can buy a wedding band'

Her daddy says, 'he ain't worth a lick
When it comes to brains, he got the short end of the stick'
But Katie's young and man she just don't care
She'd follow Tommy anywhere
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
And even if they have to run away
She's gonna marry that boy someday

Her daddy's waiting up till half past twelve
When they come sneaking up the walk
He says, 'young lady get on up to your room
While me and junior have a talk'
But Mama breaks in and says, 'don't lose your temper
It wasn't very long ago
When you yourself was just a hay-seed plowboy
Who didn't have a row to hoe'

'My daddy said you wasn't worth a lick
When it came to brains, you got the short end of the stick
But he was wrong and honey you are too
Katie looks at Tommy like I still look at you'

She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
What's meant to be will always find a way
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy
She's in love with the boy

What's meant to be will always find a way
She's gonna marry that boy someday.
She's in love with the boy..."

I smiled as I finished, remembering how silly I'd thought Bell was for enjoying love songs but finding myself enjoying it now.

Lincoln was smiling, "That sounds like us, only with your brother instead of your father." He paused, pursing his lips, "I don't understand some of the references but I get the point of the song." He adds.

I smiled, laying my sword down and moving to kiss him, "I know you don't, but it fits us." I say afterword, sitting and curling into his side as he wraps an arm around me, both of us content to fall into a soft silence, all the words we need being exchanged silently.

"Ai hod yu in." I whisper after a few minutes.

"Ai hod yu in seintaim." He replies softly.

(So sappy Linctavia!  Yay!

The song is "She's in Love With the Boy" and all rights to the song go to Trisha Yearwood.  Check out the full lyrics below!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!  Please comment and give me feedback and critiques!)

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