The Plans

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(NOTE: The chapter picture was done by Auirae at ♔ ❝ sp i r i t ❞ ♔Graphics on Quotev.)


I sighed as Kane and I waited.  It didn't take long for Mom, Monty, and - not to much surprise - Lincoln and Octavia to arrive.

"So what's our plan?  I'm ready to kick some Pike butt!" Raven said.  She had been here when Kane and I arrived and had just stayed because she's part of the Resistance (I feel like that's from an Old Earth movie).

"Well we could always use Clarke's help to improve mine and Lincoln's plan." Octavia said.

"You mean the suicide attempt?" Raven asked.

"If Clarke can convince Lexa to let us through the border we'll be fine!  We can go to Trikru or Floukru." Octavia said brightly.

"I'd prefer Trikru or none." I said, "Or Polis." I added.

Lincoln smiled, "So what is the plan?" He asked.

"I would like to keep you two assassinating Pike as a back up plan but first." I turned to Monty, "Can you make a clear poison that Pike won't notice?" I asked.

Monty thought for a moment, then nodded, "Yeah.  I can.  I can make a tasteless, clear poison that'll kill him before he even knows what's happening." He said.

I nodded, "How long will it take?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed, "I'm not sure." He said.

I sighed, "We've got maybe two weeks at most from what I've heard.  We'll have to go with Lincoln and Octavia's plan if Lexa agrees." I said, walking over to the radio.

I sighed as I picked up the radio, "Clarke Griffin to Polis.  Come in Polis." I said.

A young man's voice that I recognized vaguely came on, "This is Donuk.  What can we do for you Wanheda?" He said.

"I need the Commander." I said.

"O-Of course." He stammered.  That had me worried, what was wrong with Lexa?

"Is everything alright back in Polis?" I asked, fearing the worst.  What if something had happened and Lexa's wound had reopened?

"Yes." He said.  He must have forgot to release the button because next thing I know I hear retreating footsteps after he says, "Heda, Clarke is on the device."

"Leave us Donuk." Lexa said.  Despite Donuk's assurances I felt relieved to here her voice - strong, loud, and clear - through the radio.  "What is it Clarke?" She asked, sounding worried.

"We've got a plan.  Honestly it's not much better than the one that they came up with on their own but it's the best we've got.  The only problem is Lincoln and Octavia will have to pass through the boundary unless we want them to be killed for murder." I said.

I guessed she nodded because no response came for a moment until her voice crackled through, "Of course.  I'll ride out and inform the warriors myself, some of my generals believe that we should lay waist to Arkadia - or let them starve - and the warriors will not dare go against my orders." She said.  I could tell she wasn't telling me something and it worried me.

"Alright.  Thank you Lexa." I paused for a moment, "Is everything alright in Polis?" I asked.

"Is anyone with you?" She responded.

I looked back at the people who looked excited she would help, releasing the button, "Out." I said.  They nodded, Octavia winking at me, and left.  Once I was sure they were gone I pushed the button again, "Yeah.  I'm alone." I said.

I heard her mutter something incoherent - though I guessed it was something along the lines of "I wish I was there" or something like that -  before she spoke clearly, "My wound partially reopened." She said.

It took me a moment to respond, fear flooding through me.  "When?  What happened?  Are you alright?" The flurry of questions left me as my voice returned.

"Earlier today, in fact my healer was just leaving when Donuk brought the radio in.  My healer had cleared me for some training as long as I was careful and I got knocked down and noticed it - though it could have been the horse ride as well, I don't really know.  Of course as soon as I noticed it I rode back quickly and got my healer.  And yes Clarke, I am absolutely fine." She said.

"Are you sure you should come yourself?" I asked.

"I will be careful Clarke and travel with a healer.  But yes.  I need to come myself." She said.

I nodded, "Alright.  I'll talk or see you soon." I said, just loud enough that she'd be able to hear me.

"May we meet again." Her voice carried over.

I sighed as I pulled away from the radio and left the room, just as Monty came charging down the hallway.  "I need ten days - maybe eleven since I need to get the ingredient I don't have." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"The poison." He said.

I nodded.  That put my plan back into action.  "Then I better go do my part." I said.  From what I'd heard of Lincoln and Octavia talking while I was speaking to Lexa they were going to put it off until they had to do it - which would be in either thirteen or fourteen days.

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