Chapter 23

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As you left the room, you felt something dark once again begin taking ahold of you. ... jim could be so.... so..... infuriating. He was unpredictable, and dangerous. Unstoppable. The only way to even begin sizing up to him.... is to become the same. You had to hatch a plan to shock him... shock everyone. Maybe then he would listen to you. Maybe then he wouldn't just superficially 'trust' you, but actually respect you....

.... alright. ... but if this was going to work, you couldn't tell anyone. .. not even William. You're risking him getting into trouble if you told him, and begged him not to tell Jim. .... so, it was decided. Neither of them would know.

You snuck off to your room to begin hatching a plan....

Jim's POV:

Jim brushed his suit off, before peering down at his bloody hand. He sighed, sitting at his desk, calmly pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing the blood away. Then he sat back in his chair, resting his eyes, smiling calmly. He had you right where he wanted... betrayed, vulnerable, and completely under his control. Oh, how he loved his job.

He planned out the next few days in his head. Exactly what he would say, how you would react, what he would make you do... ahah. It was wonderful. He could hardly wait... he always loved playing with people's emotions. Emotions are so... predictable. Yet. Human. Something he had not felt for a long time~. ... not that he was complaining, of course. He was happy with the way he was now~ completely on top of the world. Untouchable. Yet... somewhat amused by himself, and the things he could manipulate others to do.

Jim was his only friend, and he would keep it that way. Don't trust, and don't get hurt. Just rule the world, and you'll always win.

.... even if it does get tedious at times. 

Jim Moriarty x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now