I walked in and sat in one of the sofa. Sherry sat on the same sofa beside me. Luke walked in and sat on the single person sofa opposite me, facing me. Kyle and Betty were sitting together on the sofa besides mine and Sherry's at Sherry's side. The only sofa left was a one sofa person beside me. Britney who was now standing looked at it and then looked at us who were waiting for her to seat so that we can start.

"You are not really thinking that I would sit there, are you?" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at that. The rest looked at her with a questioning look.

"She tried to burnt me yesterday for God's sake!!" she cried dramatically.

"If I really wanted to burn you you wouldn't be here," I answered her annoyed. "By the way, you think you will be safe if you are across the room? The distance between us yesterday was a lot more than that," I smirked.

"See that! This woman is insane," she looked at me shocked.

"Just sit anywhere you want for God's sake! We don't have all day!" Luke told her.

She pouted before taking a small stool and sit besides Luke with a satisfying smile on her face. I rolled my eyes again.

"So, let's get this over with. You promised the truth and that's what I want to hear from you, truth and only truth, all of it." I told them.
They all looked at each other's and nodded before Luke cleared his throat and started talking.

"We will tell you everything but you have to promise that you will stay calm and after we tell you everything you want to know we also want to hear from you what we are curious about," Luke bargained.

"Deal," I agreed. At that point there was no point hiding the truth, they already knew the core part of it anyway.

"We know that you are special, that you are different. We know that you are a witch, a very powerful one at that," he paused before continuing "We are also different."

"Wait, why is Sherry here? She is not supposed to be here!" Britney pointed out, Luke sighed annoyed at the interruption.

"No, she is supposed to be here. We are a pair, now get over it!" I told her, she looked at me angrily and crossed her arms on her chest dramatically.

"She can be here if that's what you want but are you sure she can handle the truth?" Luke asked me.

"She can, she is already too much involved anyway," I answered him.

"You are talking about me as if I am not here!" Sherry commented.

"It's because you were not supposed to be here in the first place," Britney told her in annoyance.

"You better shut up if you still want to be here," Luke told her angrily and she immediately obeyed. Although Luke insisted earlier that there was no need for Britney to come as she still needed rest, she insisted on coming. There was no way she would pass a chance to come to Luke's place and there was no way she would risk being chased out of there and Luke knew that too that's why he said that to shut her up.

"So, as I was saying. We are all different here. I am not sure how much you know about us but Britney told us you know something, that you immediately realized what she is when you saw her transform, that it was written all over your face."

What does he mean by us? Is Luke one of them? Is he?

"Britney and I are vampires," Luke said looking direct in my eyes and I could hear my heart started beating faster. I intertwined my fingers and hold them tight, holding my breath. I needed to be stronger. I shouldn't show weakness, I am not weak.

"And Betty and Kyle are werewolves. Betty is half human though, her mother is a human." he finished while looking in my eyes searching for any emotions.

I am sure my eyes widened, I couldn't help it. Out of all people I never expected Betty to be one of them. I have known her for ten years, how could I have missed it? Missed something that big? I closed my eyes for two minutes to collect myself before opening them. I momentarily glanced at Betty who was also looking at me with what looked like worry and apologetic look on her face. I put the best poker face I could master and looked back at Luke.

"Seeing the look in your face you must have heard of our existence, you just didn't know we were one of them, I'm sorry." he looked at me apologetically.

"How many of you are here? Are there more?" I asked and I could hear my voice shaking a little. I was taken aback but there was no way I was showing them any sign of weakness.

"From what I know, we are the only ones in town. There are more in other places but not as many as in the past. Plus it's not easy to notice us nowadays as many of us live in low profile, like normal humans," he explained.

"How did you know about me? Do you know any other witches?" I asked.

"Nope, from what we know a lot of witches were wiped up two decades ago. There was a war between witches, hunters, werewolves and vampires. That's where a lot of our kinds were lost also," it was Kyle who answered instead. "And about how we knew you are a witch is when you came in contact with us, you kept on emitting this wave of electricity whenever we touch you."

"What do you mean emitting? I have never done such thing," I argued.

"You may not know because it can't be seen. And you can't feel it if you have no control over it. It's a defense machenism most witches put so that they can't be harmed by our kind. It's very painful and it gets serious the longer we are in contact. The stronger the witch the stronger the wave and vice versa. You are a stong witch that's why it has been hard on us," Kyle explained.

"But.." I looked at Luke, I remembered the night of our date when Luke held my hand to assist me down the stairs, and when he held me on the street when I was trying to get away from him.

"Oh yeah, Luke was hurt by it the most. But he is a strong vampire he heals fast so it wasn't a big deal," Kyle told me, getting what I was referring to. Luke didn't say anything, he just smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. Something he does when he is nervous or in an awkward moment.

"Is it always like this?" I asked referring to the electrocution thing.

"No, it's only like that for inexperienced witch. When you are able to control your powers you can control it too. You can put it only when you want to," Luke told me reassuringly. He had this sad look on his face and I almost wanted to run to him and hug him. Almost.

"Can we ask questions now? We also have a bunch of things we want to hear," I averted my eyes from Luke to that irritating person sitting besides him who just said those words.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Although we know you are a witch we know nothing of your origin, how come you suddenly became one? There's no way we wouldn't have noticed a super strong witch like you until now," Kyle asked.

"My powers were sealed. Together with my memories. I only got them back on my birthday," I answered calmly.

"You got your memories back??" Betty asked immediately looking concerned. That was the first time she talked ever since we got there and the first time she was looking at me direct in the eyes.

"Yes," I answered averting my eyes from her. She had no right to act concerned now. I was still pissed at her for so many reasons.

"Does that mean you know who your parents are??" Luke asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Who are they??" they all asked in unison.

"Were they all witches?" Britney added.

"No. My mother was a witch and my father was a hunter. My name is derived from their names, Ka-Y-La Katherine Yardley and Lameck Yardley," I answered.

They were all looking at me in shock and disbelief.

"What? Why? Did you know them?" I asked.

"Who doesn't know the legendary Katherine and Lameck Yardley!" Britney exclaimed.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now