Chapter Nineteen

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"He.. What?..." Jungkook blinks. "No." Jimin sniffles, squeezing his hand again. "That's a damn lie."

"Kook, it's... It's really not..." Namjoon looks down, almost ashamed. "The optic lied. We found it all on one of their phones. They didn't delete an email so I read it thinking we might be able to find Flint and... It was a trap. It was all planned..."

"SHE DID NOT DIE FOR NOTHING!" Silence echoes around the room. Jungkook is shaking. Jimin pulls him into a hug and the boy starts to cry again. "I-I'm going mad, Jimin.. I'm actually going nuts... I can't live without her! I-"

"Jungkook." Yoongi puts a hand on his shoulder and gently encourages him away from Jimin.

"S-sorry... I know you hate people touching Jimin..." Jungkook sniffs.

"It's not that. You need him, it's fine. But right now you don't have time to cry. I know it's not really my place to say... But there's a full moon coming up. And don't you want to kill that bastard first?" 

Jungkook looks at the elder and blinks, all emotion slowly melting from his entire being as the room waits in silence, unable to guage his reaction. After a while he nods. "You're right. He needs to die." 

Shin blinks, never having been scared of the werewolf before that moment.


Namjoon sits at the sofa, book in hand and Google open on his phone. His usual resting state of concentration.

"Hyung?" Jimin whispers to Yoongi. "What's up? Why are you acting all weird?"

Namjoon pretends not to hear. He's found that most of them forget he now has enhanced hearing.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Yoongi avoids his gaze.

"Are you sure? You've been off for weeks. Especially since yesterday... Who was that on the phone last night?" Jimin frowns.

"It was nothing, Jimin. Leave it."

Namjoon frowns. Yoongi is acting weirdly secretive. He hasn't kept anything from Jimin for over a year.

Jimin glares. "We agreed no secrets. Tell me."

"I can't, Chim Chim. It isn't my secret to tell..." Yoongi looks at Jimin, pained expression on his face. He sees Namjoon watching them through the corner of his eyes and his pained expression morphs into an angry one. Namjoon jumps and immediately looks away.

"S-sorry," he mumbles awkwardly, before going back to the chapter he was reading before.

"What have you found?." Yoongi glares.

"Honestly? Not much. Unless you're interested in Tavari and the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology..." The warlock glares at it for a second and then his jaw drops. He gulps.

"Joon? Are you still in there?..." Yoongi frowns.

"I've got it! I fucking know what to do!! Have either of you heard of FOP?"


"Jeon Jungkook! You need to calm the fuck down!! The quicker you kill them, the harder it is to find Flint!!" Yoongi yells.

Jungkook pushes him into the wall, denting it. "Fine. Let's let him talk then."

"Oh I don't mind you torturing me. I quite like it." The boy giggles disturbingly and Jungkook glares at him.

"Oh really?."

"Mhmm..." The boy giggles. "But I have a better idea. Shall we play a game? I'll answer your question if you guess the right one... And if you don't, I'll give you a clue to it in the form of a quote, and if you don't guess right in 5 questions, how about you let me go? But if you do win, I'll tell you something else you want to know and then you can kill me! How does that sound, puppy? Pretty fun?" Jungkook growls and Yoongi has to hold him back from the demon.

"Where's Flint?." The fragment interjects.

"Hmm... The journey, not the destination matters." A piercing cackle follows the words.

"T. S. Elliot?" Yoongi frowns.

"How the hell did yo-" Jungkook's eyes widen.

"I got bored a lot before I met Jimin..." Yoongi waves a hand as if to say it's irrelevent. The werewolf makes a mental note to ask quite how old the fragment is. "Fine. So, you don't want us to just ask where he is... Where is he hiding?"

"Sometimes the best way to stay hidden is to hide in plain sight." The demon swings his legs, looking bored.

"Wasn't that from Twilight?" Yoongi grimaces.

The demon shrugs. "My point stands no matter where it's from. That's two questions!"

"Fuck! Okay... Think, God damn it! What's his plan?" Yoongi glares at the boy.

"Ah! Wrong again... How can you follow a map, if all the paths have changed?"

"Hmm.. I don't know that one..." Yoongi frowns.

"That was just me! Glad you liked it." The demon cackles and begins to hum to himself.

"What's Flint's first name?" Jungkook gulps.

"The hell??" Yoongi glares.

"Testing a hunch..." The werewolf ignores him, looking straight at the boy who now has a glint in his eye.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." He giggles.

"Great, now we only have one question left! Got to hear some quality Shakespeare, though!" Yoongi growls sarcastically.

"Who is the man we think to be Flint?" Jungkook kneels in front of the boy, eyes wide with anticipation. Yoongi spins, ready to slap Jungkook for his idiocy. But Jungkook ignores him. He's so close he can taste it.

The demon smiles, almost proudly. "Well done... You win!" He cackles again. "Does the name Christopher Stone mean anything to you? Quite an unimaginative alias if you ask me... How utterly obvious and boring. Flint... Stone... Ugh!" The boy sighs and shakes his head in despair.

"Jesus fucking Christ... He's... He's the head of DMBI, isn't he? He's who Chulmin's working with." Jungkook stumbles back, leaning against the wall to steady himself. "He's the other Titan..."

"As your prize, you have one more question I will answer. Make it count!" His voice is singsongy, drawling the words like honey.

"How do we beat him?." Jungkook clenched his jaw in determination.

The demon meets his gaze, grinning and tilting his head to the side. "Do you know the darkest part of the shadow?"

The werewolf frowns, confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"He means Taehyung... He's saying Tae is the only one who can beat him. Right demon?" Yoongi looks down at the boy, disgusted.

"I have seen every possible path the map could draw... Only one leads Flint's death. You need the shadow. He already knows..." The demon starts to hum again but now Jungkook actually listens... "A house that's poison for your brain, what once was lost will come again. You push him through to ease the pain, what once was lost will come again. A lover lost, a lover slain, what once was lost will come again. A life that's gone, a life remains, what once was lost will come again."

DMBI - Love is a Hybrid of Friendship and LustKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat