Chapter Nine

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"But sir! We've done no research whatsoever!" Shin glares up at the angel towering above her much smaller frame. She has been trying to understand his reasoning for the past twenty minutes, but still can't make sense of it.

"Miss Kim, we have a good source that tells us tha-" Giseok starts but Shin has had enough, she doesn't give him the opportunity to spurt any more nonsense than he has already.

"Good source?. I was there when Namjoon questioned him. He had no proof and gave barely anything. I was also at the meeting in which everyone specifically agreed that until there was more information, no one would do anything!" She glares, voice reverberating off the glass windows either side of the hallway. She can tell that their conversation has grown quite the audience because she can hear whispered mutterings and sees shared glances behind said windows. "I don't fucking believe this. I didn't think I worked for morons!" Shin shouts.

"Miss Kim, if you raise your voice at me again I will have to insist that you leave. For good. You've been on the verge of being fired ever since Jeon hired you. You're already bringing his reputation down so do not bring it down further. Is that clear?" Giseok purses his lips. Shin doesn't understand how an angel could look quite so evil.

She clenches her fists and tries to remain calm but it's getting progressively harder. "You little-"

"Shin!" Two strong, warm hands enclose themselves over the girl's shoulders and she immediately relaxes. "What's going on?"

"Namjoon, Miss Kim has decided that because she believes that the Suk boy was lying, we shouldn't trust what he said. Please stop her insistent aggressiveness and violence." The angel glares and the warlock sighs.

"That's not fully true, Joon. I didn't even touch him, let alone get violent." Shin snaps.

"Joon?" The angel looks at them suspiciously and Namjoon's hands fly off the vampire's shoulders instantly.

"It's not that we shouldn't believe him, I just think we need to do a little research. And, you know, follow Mr Jeon's orders." Shin makes a mental note to thank the younger for giving her the calmness needed to get her point across.

"We are doing research, Miss Kim. That's what the tests are for." He angel smiles fakely before rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I must be more tired than I thought. Did you just say tests?" Namjoon furrows his brow.

"Yes, that's right." The angel sighs, clearly bored.

"With actual people..." Namjoon grits his teeth, beginning to understand Shin's yelling and name-calling.

"Of course." Giseok frowns now, confused as to why the two don't seem to be understanding. "How else would we get an accurate result?"

The warlock blinks and licks his lips slowly, processing the information and trying to come up with a response that isn't rude. He fails. "You utter fucking imbecile."

Shin chuckles at his comment. "My thoughts exactly."

"I'm sorry, what?." The angel glares at them both. "I'm doing my job. Something you two clearly aren't accustomed to!"

"What if it's wrong? You're sacrificing real people! Honest people!" Namjoon spits, unable to contain his anger. "What if it's actually fatal?"

"Then at least we'll know not to retry." The older man shrugs. "It's for the greater good."

"You're fucking disgusting." He feels genuinely sick to the stomach. "This is the problem with angels being so high up; you don't have half the emotions that you need to practice sensible decision making. Did they know we had no research?" Namjoon's jaw is clenched tight. "Did they know it was a complete coin toss on if they'd make it out alive or not?" There's a silence, no one even daring to breathe. People from around the room have looked up, intrigued to find out the answer too. The angel slowly shakes his head. "Then you deserve everything coming to you. I can't stop anyone. Actually, that's a lie. I could if I wanted to, but I won't stop them. Shin and anyone else who has an issue with you or your poor decisions can be as aggressive with you as they please." With that, the young warlock turns on his heel and leaves the room. 

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