Chapter Two

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"Jin... Jin, it's okay..." Shin wipes her tears with the back of her sleeve and she cradles her crying brother. "It's going to be okay..."

"What the fuck, Shin?? She's dead! This is anything but okay."

"I-I know, I'm sorry... I don't know what to say..."

"Fuck, I'm gonna kill him. Right fucking now." The boy rises onto shaky legs.

Shin watches in horror and shakes her head desperately. "Jin, that's not a good idea."

"If I hadn't left my father, he wouldn't have killed Soonmin and her family. She'd be alive and happy if it weren't for me and him. One of us has to die and honestly it doesn't really matter which..."

"JIN!" The elder jumps slightly and looks at her with wide, shocked eyes. "If you go now, you will die. There's no if about it. And if you do die, who's going to take care of Kyung? She's barely sixteen... And I sure as hell can't! According to all my credentials, I'm fifteen! You need to take responsibility for her. And you need to tell her... Don't let her find out from a stranger..." Jin nods solemnly and suddenly they both appear on the tracks next to Soonmin's white corpse, covered in snow. Shin frowns. She doesn't remember this bit... Her blood stains the snow red and a train honks. She clocks in her head, looking up. The train. It's heading straight for-

"JIN!!" Shin screams as she bolts upright, panting. A bad memory and a bad dream both packed into one. Great... She knows it's not necessary, the last bit of the dream had been nothing more than just that, a dream. But, even so, she sends Jin a morning text message, hoping he's okay.

Jin: You dreamt about it again, didn't you?

Shin: no

Shin: ...

Shin: maybe...

Jin: I KNEW IT! 

Jin: It's okay, I'm okay.

Shin: Are you sure?

Jin: I'll get there. I just hate the God damn snow

Shin: Merry Christmas

Jin: Merry Christmas

Shin sighs and shrugs on a jumper over her pyjamas. "MUM! JIN MIGHT NOT BE COMING TODAY!"

In a split second, her mother is there, worried expression, crocs and all. "What?? But its Christmas! The whole family is coming, even Kyung!"

"Exactly, Mum... He's getting more and more stressed about it and so am I..." Shin presses her temples, headache beginning to form again.

Her mother sighs and nods, worrying at her bottom lip. "There's some good blood in the fridge. Help yourself, poppet." Shin smiles gratefully and nods, trudging off to the kitchen.


"And I met everyone! I'd already met Yoongi and Tae and Jimin, but then I also met this Namjoon guy, a really awesome warlock, and a few days later his whole pack..." Kyung smiles happily and hugs her best friend's arm. "When are you getting a boyfriend, Shin? I want to go on double dates with someone and Jin won't be getting over what's-her-name any time soon..."

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