Chapter Six

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Awkward doesn't begin to describe Shin's emotions at this moment in time. As the youngest of her clan, she sits to the edge of the meeting room, Kyung and Jimin by her side. Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook all sit to one side of the table, with Jungkook's father at the centre and the other chief executives of Mackly on his other side: a demon, an angel, and a vampire. Shin tries to concentrate on the conversation at hand, but both her eyes and her mind keep wandering to Namjoon. She knows that she upset him and she also knows that he is the first man she has ever wanted to be with romantically, not just for the night. But, she won't be selfish and tell him that. It is easier for him if she continues to pretend that he means nothing to her. At the mention of Suk, her attention is snapped back to Namjoon's words as opposed to his tired expression and slumped shoulders. "Yes, that was the information he gave us. However, we believe that this should not be automatically assumed to be accurate."

"Are you saying the source wasn't trust-worthy?" The unknown vampire leans forward worriedly, a few murmurings around the room confirming that this question is unanimous. Shin feels Kyung stiffen by her side and slips her hand into the young girl's own in an attempt to comfort her. After the interview with Suk, Shin had explained everything to her friend and Kyung had not taken the news that Suk was an ex-blood slave particularly well. It felt to her as if her whole life had been seen through a gauze that was only just being lifted. Shin can't begin to imagine what she must have going through her mind every day and feels guiltier every time she thinks about this.

"Not at all. I think he spoke what he believed to be the truth. But, that is my exact point. I think he saying what he thinks is true. We have no solid proof either way." Namjoon carefully words his point in an attempt to explain.

"He has angel blood, he would never lie." The angel crosses his arms and shakes his head, appearing very disgruntled by that comment.

"I'm half-angel too and I lied to my summin for a good six months. Angels can still lie as much as demons can tell the truth." Yoongi scowls at the man, hating the stereotypes purebreds insists on maintaining.

"Perhaps you're just an unfortunate case." The angel rolls his eyes, earning a growl from the fragment and a harsh clearing of the throat from Jungkook's father.

"That aside, I agree with Namjoon. We need proof of this before acting on it in any way. Yungmin," The alpha gestures to the demon, "Get a group of researchers together. Yoongi, ask all your contacts still in DMBI's ranks. I want everything we can get before anyone makes a move. Is that clear?"

"Sir, in all due respect, we can do our own research." The angel cuts in, the vampire next to him nodding in agreement.

"In all due respect, Giseok, that's not your call." Jungkook's father raises his eyebrows sternly and Yoongi lets out a small chuckle, earning a deep glare from the angel. "What's next on the agenda? I'm done talking about this." 

Yungmin, the demon, checks his list thoroughly before looking up. "The hunter family, sir."

"Ah, yes. Namjoon, we have a new client in need of your assistance. A hunter and his family were attacked last night by some of DMBI's cronies. They need a safehouse and possibly new identification. I'll leave you to decide the extremities and details." The CEO pushes a file towards the warlock. As Namjoon opens the folder, his face turns pale and he gulps, Adam's apple bobbing furiously as he does. 

Yoongi looks over and his jaw drops. "I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding..." 

Hot, red liquid spurts fly from his skin as the blade is pulled away. Namjoon makes the simple mistake of looking up and his whole life changes. His friend lays still, eyes glassy and unmoving. Pushing himself off the dusty ground, his limbs ache from over-excursion, but he cannot stop. He runs, despite the bursting pain through his ankle. One flick of his view behind him and he sees that face, grinning back at him. "The chase is on, kid. I'm down to play."

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