Sleeping With The Enemy

Start from the beginning

I open my eyes, looking into his green eyes. They look sad, and a shade darker then usual, making them a dark green. I get chills as we just stand there staring at each other, his hand slowly starting to cup my face. Nathan starts to lean in, making my heart beat out of my chest. Just as our lips are about to touch, the door swings open quickly. I push Nathan away with all of my force to see a smirking Logan standing there looking at me.

I give him a questioning look as he saunters over to me, placing his arm about me waist. He dips me low, leaving Nathan with a shocked expression on his face. I can't help but smile, as I know the plan. Logan moves his ears close to mine, giving me chills as he speaks.

Logan: "I forgot my jacket."

He pulls away from my ear, flicks his eyes to my lips. I see a playful smile play on his lips, before I can protest, he kisses me. Again not a stage kiss either, a full on smash his lips to mine. I kiss back, feeling the soft lips against mine. Making my knees go slightly weak from the force of impact. 

Logan finally pulls away, bringing me up into a standing position. I feel the flush in my cheeks as he takes his jacket off of me. He takes the jacket off slowly, making steam flow from Nathan's ears. Logan pecks me once more on the cheek, before rushing out of the apartment.

I turn my attention back to Nathan, who looks at me in disgust. I bite my bottom lip, waiting for him to say something, anything! He looks me over from head to toe, the look of disgust slowly disappearing from his features. The look that replaces it, is hurt, and love. 'Love?' 

Nathan: "Listen Rebbeca I-"

Just as Nathan is about to talk, the others rush into the kitchen all looking a bit confused. I give them all a quick look, with a shy smile. 'Now or never right?' I open my mouth to speak, when another voice cuts me off. 

Chrissy: "Nathan babe, can we do something! I'm bored, and, oh. Is there something going on here? I wanna hear!"

My mouth is still open as she speaks, and makes her way over to Nathan grabbing him about the waist. I put my hands into fists at the sight, my blood boiling with her hanging all over him. 'Am I really jealous of her?' I shake my head quickly, making it look like I was getting hair out of my face.

Me: "Actually, Prissy was it?"

Chrissy: "You know damn well it's not whore."

Me: "Oh right, well Slutty, I can't with you here. I can't catch a disease, so if you wouldn't mind leaving you skankiness at the door next time, you might be able to listen. But as of right now you can't, oh! And nice penis."

Chrissy looks at me with pure hate and shock, grabbing Nathan's hand trying to pull him away with her. Nathan doesn't budge, but just looks at me with pure admiration. Chrissy sees this, having a tiny tantrum reminding me of Tom. I start to laugh as she comes over to me, getting right in my face.

Chrissy: "You've got a lot of nerve know that. You're lucky I don't hit you."

I can't help but smirk at her. I didn't think she'd get this angry over being called a slut, it must mean it's true. I start laughing, seeing her shake in anger.

Me: "Oh please Chrissy, you wouldn't be so upset if it wasn't true. Now just go, none of us want you here, especially Nathan. He'd rather be stuck in a room, with starving Lions, and blind cobras. Please just leave before you get more hurt."

I pat her cheek lightly, making her more mad. She takes a swing at me, with so much force that if it would've hit me, I'd have a broken nose. I grab her arm, stopping the punch from making contact with my face. I look at Siva and Jay giving them a nod to take her away. 

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