We were laughing along with them, but I can't deny the fact that I've noticed Paul's stare at me. With the close proximity of us, me sitting beside him, I took that chance to stare back at him. He was taken aback, his laughter died quickly.

“Okay ka lang?” he asked. I nodded as an answer, and hopefully, he smiled childihsly, and continued eating his food... though everytime I have no more food on my plate, he would put another one. Again. He would smile everytime I would catch his brown eyes staring at me.

And since I'm in front of Jamiel, I know she noticed that.

Kinikilig ako sa inyo. Shuta.” she mouthed me, smirking and all that.

And as I continued eating, I felt his hand on my hand. And I don't know if I'm crazy enough to intertwine our fingers together. I jut can't stop the rapid heartbeats that gets into me everytime I'll realize I'm with him. It got faster when he tightened the hold of my hand. No one noticed, but I'm literally trying to calm myself for the weird sensations I'm feeling's intensifying.

I just hope my cheeks won't turn red.


Luckily for me, my cheeks didn't turn red... and us, girls, decided to spend the time to watch an action movie. It's surprising that all of us liked action movies and not romance, which I find intruiging. And since we had the time to buy snacks after dinner, we ate while we watched the movie on the flat screen TV in the room, opposite of the beds.

When the movie was finished, we decided to do things to kill the extra time before 10:00. After all of us took a bath, Jamiel decided to continue her arduino project with her raspberry pi circuit board to create a mini-laptop doing it on the carpeted floor, Rhianne chose to bring out her small pad to draw while I sat on the single sofa, continuing what I was reading, and... meditating. Kylie had the luxury to bring her Mac and videocall the boys with Skype.

“UUUUYY GUYSS! SI KYLIEEE!” I can hear Greg's voice from the laptop's speaker, as Kylie laugh and greeted him too.

“Musta diyan?!” she asked him.

“Natural okay lang kami! Oh, pakita mo na rin iba mo pang kasama diyan!”

And with that, we saw the boys together from the screen.

“ANO YANG KABABALAGHANG GINAGAWA MO?!” Greg asked Jamiel when the camera was on her.

“It's an arduino project. Nilalagyan na lang niya ng network card tsaka sound card as final installments sa mini-laptop.” I heard Chris's voice answer from the background.

Jamiel just shrugged and continued what she was doing. It was my turn to face the camera. My eyes widen when I saw a shirtless Paul in front of the camera. I swear I just swallowed a couple of times. Since the camera's resolution and megapixel isn't that high (I can assume), I couldn't properly define the details of his body. I just felt my cheeks heating up.

We were staring for long, so Kylie had the guts to actually turn the screen to her face. And to her horror, she quickly covered her eyes with her hand!

“My gad! My virgin eyes!” Kylie muttered in her most, overreacting way.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Greg's laugh can be heard fron the speakers, which made us giggle. I'm assuming Paul got dressed up, as Kylie slowly uncovered her eyes from the screen. She looked at me in amusement.

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