After only a few minutes hoards of students begin making their way into the Great Hall to get some breakfast before they have to start their classes. Everyone from Tilly's dorm had made it out of bed and down to the Great Hall. A lot of students looked tired and moped around like zombies because they most likely stayed up all night catching up with their friends. 

Tilly watched as Draco and his herd of idiots walk into the Great Hall smirking, thinking that they're above everyone else in the hall. When Harry and Ron walked in together Draco had already started making fun of Harry fainting last night, even though it was almost a day old Draco thought it was still something worth laughing over. It wasn't, it was old news by now. 

Malfoy did an almost ridiculous interpretation of a swooning fit and a roar of laughter followed. Tilly rolled her eyes in annoyance trying to ignore them. This is how she was sucked into their world last year. She stuck up for them after Malfoy acted like a complete git and then suddenly she was in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Hey, Potter," shrieked Pansy Parkinson, the whiny voice gave Tilly flashbacks to last Holiday when she potentially became Parkinson and had to have a pug nose for an hour. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! Woooooo"

Tilly shook her head at their jokes. If they were going to make fun of Potter at least try and be good at it, she thought.

"Oh wow, I see you're putting the same amount of effort into your jokes as you are your school work now," said Tilly loudly from where she sat. A smirk played on her lips. "It's good to be consistent."

She watched as Daisy Morgenstern took a small book and hit Draco on the shoulder while she laughed at Tilly's insult towards Pansy. Even some of her peers from the Ravenclaw table were laughing. Pansy sat back down in her seat and glared at Tilly, not being able to come back at her. 

She didn't want to get into the middle of things, but Potter wouldn't say anything which meant that she had to be the one to step in. Besides, their jokes sounded as if they came from a child on a playground. 

The third-year schedules finally began going around and Tilly was happy to see that she was approved by every Professor to take extra classes on her own time. On some of them she will be sitting in during a free period and others will be during lunch, or even as early as breakfast. She may even have to meet with certain Professors on the weekends to take her exams. 

Tilly's first class on her schedule is Arithmancy with Professor Vector. Professor Vector was known among students as a really strict teacher, so much so that some pupils were unsure whether to take her classes. She was also known for giving her pupils plenty of complicated homework. Tilly didn't mind any of that though, she enjoyed professors who set expectations. She also didn't mind homework, she would need something to keep her busy.

The classroom was on the seventh floor and if Tilly wasn't as excited for classes to start as she was then she would have taken much longer to climb all of the seven floors. When she turned into the classroom she noticed a spare table in the front of the room and she took it, wanting to be sitting up front.

As Tilly began setting up her workspace she felt a presence beside of her. She turned her head to see a little blonde girl timidly sitting next to her while neatly setting up her own space beside of Tilly.

"Uhm – hello there," said Tilly with an eyebrow raised.

This was new to Tilly. Daisy Morgenstern was separated from Draco Malfoy which proved to be a rare sight. Daisy was never crude or tactless like her friend Draco, she seemed to almost be his voice of reason some of the time. She never allowed herself to bully other students which makes Tilly wonder why she hangs out with Malfoy in the first place.

¹𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 ─ 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲Where stories live. Discover now