One's life chapter, completed.

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Kokuyōseki woke up the next morning, excited for what Jacques was going to say to her. She went through her new daily routine; Get up, ask for help changing clothes, get help to brush her teeth and hair, and put a fresh bandage on her arm. Today, she had asked that her special clothes be brought to her hospital room. She wanted to look nice for when she went for her walk with Jacques. Her special outfit was a dark teal teal skirt with a matching blouse. One of the nurses had put her hair up in a bun and used a teal nightingale hairpin to keep it in place. By the time lunch was ready, Kokuyōseki was getting impatient. She read books, and looked out the window, waiting for Jacques to come and take her for their walk. At last, when she was convinced that he wasn't going to come, there was a knock on the door.
"Miss Yama, you have a visitor." Called one of the nurses. Kokuyōseki nearly jumped out of her bed with joy when Jacques walked into the room. He smiled and took her hand, helping her up off the bed. "You look absolutely beautiful, Koku."

Suiren crawled into the small opening, Kakashi right behind her. Time seemed to stretch out. Suiren kept bumping into corners, scraping her hands and knees, and banging her head. "Ow... maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all..." She said, rubbing her head. Kakashi looked at her. "Are you sure you want to give up everything we sacrificed to get here, and go back?" He asked. Suiren turned slightly in the cramped tunnel to look at Kakashi. "No. I'm not giving up. I have to get to my father. Even if we get lost in these tunnels, I won't stop until I find him." She held Kakashi's gaze for a moment before turning back again and continuing through the tunnel.

Ever so slowly, night turned to day, and Ginsei was getting worse by the hour. Hana began to worry, as Ginsei's skin began to pale in comparison to hers. "This isn't good...! Aigis, what are we gonna do?" She asked, placing a wet cloth on Ginsei's forehead. Aigis shrugged. "I'm not sure. Hopefully, we can get somewhere to treat him for whatever it is he has, and then he'll be fine." She said, mentioning under her breath, "If we get him out of here alive..."
"What was that, Aigis?" Hana asked, curious. Aigis simply huffed. "Nothing." Hana looked at her for a moment, then went back to caring for Ginsei.
A few moments later, he began coughing up blood again. Quickly, Hana turned him on his side so that he wouldn't suffocate himself with blood and mucus. "This is terrible... I can't stand watching him suffer like this..."
Aigis looked at her and Ginsei. The blood was pooling on the cave floor beside him, and Hana looked as if she was going to be sick. As she started to get up to help, she heard voices coming from farther in the cave. She froze.
"Aigis? What's the matter?" Hana asked.
"Shhh. I think someone found us." Aigis replied.

Jacques and Kokuyōseki walked along the halls quietly, making small talk every now and again. After a few minutes of silence, Jacques stopped. "Koku... you've become such an important person to me. So much so that... well. I'm scared to lose you. You are my world. You are everything to me. And I... I love you..."
Kokuyōseki looks at him, her face red. "You know... I feel the same... I love you too." Jacques smiles and gives her a hug, being careful of her arm. They return to Kokuyōseki's hospital room, hand in hand, to play cards together, smiles on their faces.

After a while, the tunnel that Suiren and Kakashi were in seemed to get brighter as they moved forward. "I think we're getting close, Kakashi!" Suiren exclaimed happily. When they got out, however, there were two girls waiting for them on the other end. One with silver hair, and the other with short black hair. "Who are you and how did you find us?" Asked the silver haired girl in a tough sounding tone. Suiren stood up. "I'm Suiren, and this is Kakashi. I came here to see my father... I wasn't sure where exactly I was going." The silver haired girl huffed, seeming slightly annoyed. "And what makes you think your father is here?" Suiren frowned. Looking around the cave, she noticed someone in the corner. Almost instantly, she recognized the red hair of her father. Tears welling up in her eyes, she ran over to his side. "Daddy...! Daddy! Are you ok...?"She asked, frantically checking him over. There was blood pooled around his head, and a trail of it coming from his mouth. Suiren was horrified. Her pulse started racing, her breathing becoming rapid. "W-what happened...? What's wrong with him!?" Suiren cried, the tears she had been trying to hold back spilling out onto her cheeks. "We don't know. He's been like this since we broke him out of prison." The black haired girl said, walking over to Suiren. "I'm Hana. That's Aigis over there. Ginsei-sama saved us... He's looked after us for as long as we can remember. He talked about you a lot."Hana said, smiling a little. Kakashi and Aigis joined Hana and Suiren, and Ginsei began to stir. He smiled as he looked at Suiren. His voice was hoarse as he spoke. "My little water lily...You came to see me..." Her vision blurred with tears, she nodded, bringing his hand up to her cheek. "You're ok... right Daddy...?" He gave a cheeky grin, and started to laugh, only to cause more coughing. "I remember... when you used to play outside with your bunny... No matter the weather, you'd go out... and swing that poor bunny around... I remember... every time that you would run into the house... because your bunny was stuck in a bush... or a tree..." He smiled again, wiping away the tears from Suiren's face. "Your mother raised you well... I just wish... I could've spent more time with you... My precious... Water Lily..." Suiren's eyes widened, her tears cascading down like a waterfall. "No...! You can't leave me...! Please... Daddy... I need you..." Kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder, silently telling her everything would be alright. Ginsei looked to him, then the others. "Kakashi... Take care of my daughter... If I find out that you've hurt her in any way... I'll kick your ass... Aigis... look after Hana... Keep her safe... Suiren... Be strong, Water Lily... I love you... more than words can say..." After that, Ginsei closed his eyes, his breathing getting shallower and shallower, until finally, the next one never came. 

Suiren spent hour upon hour crying. Kakashi had to drag her away from Ginsei's body. Aigis and Kakashi had then taken his body outside to bury it, with Hana comforting Suiren, even though she herself was crying from the loss of her father figure. Three days after Ginsei's death, the four of them kept travelling from village to village. Kokuyōseki and Jacques started dating and Jacques became a full medical ninja, while Kokuyōseki went on to be a fully trained ninja, and got her own team to train and look after. Suiren and Kakashi never returned to Konoha, but they did have two beautiful daughters of their own. Aigis and Hana eventually went off on their own and ended up living in the mountains. Suiren would always remember her father. In fact, she even named one of her daughters Ginsei, as she had his bright silver eyes and piercing red hair. Her other daughter she named Shirokaze; White wind. The rest of their days were cheerful and eventful, and they lived happily.

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