The Kaori Clan

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"Well hello there, Suiren Kaori. Come to daddy." Said Ginsei, wiping off the blood of the dead man on the grass. Suiren shuddered and shook her head violently. "No! You're not my father! My father died because of you! It's your fault!" She said, still clinging to Kakashi. Kakashi leaned closer to Suiren and whispered in her ear. "I'll be right back, you and Kokuyōseki stay here." He said. Bye the time Suiren looked behind her, Kakashi was gone. Then, she heard footsteps and turned around again to see Ginsei walking towards her. "Come, sweetheart, let's go home together. Mother isn't there to keep me away from you." He said in a honeyed tone. "N-no! Stay back!" Suiren shrieked, fumbling through her bag to find a shuriken or a kunai. Ginsei stopped as a kunai was thrown at him, and looked at the thrower, Kokuyōseki. He caught it and threw it back at her. "Look out!" Called Jacques, pushing her out of the way. They both landed on the ground with a thump, and Suiren sighed with relief. She stood up, and began to form seals. Water style, twin mirrors, four shark bomb! The attack flew from the water mirrors, headed straight for Ginsei. "Earth style, mud wall." Said Ginsei, and a giant wall rose up and shielded him from the attack. "Not a smart move, Suiren, darling. You could get hurt. You shouldn't have those shuriken or kunai on you. They're sharp and can kill people. Put down your weapons, sweetie. Daddy won't hurt you." Ginsei said, coming ever closer to Suiren. "You're. Not. MY FATHER!" Suiren screamed, running towards Ginsei, kunai in hand. She leaped and aimed her kunai at Ginsei's skull, about to make the kill, when Ginsei grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

Suiren struggled to break free of Ginsei's grip, but she couldn't, he was too strong. "See? I wouldn't hurt my precious daughter." Ginsei said, reaching for something in his pocket. When he pulled it out, Suiren realized that it was a picture. What she saw shocked her. There, in the photo, was a little version of Suiren, her mother who had been killed before her very eyes, and... Ginsei. Suiren shook her head. "No...! You're not... my dad...! You're lying! It's an illusion! You put me under Genjutsu!" She yelled, once again trying to break free of Ginsei's strong grip. Ginsei hugged her closer, and began stroking her hair gently. "You see, your mother left me because she thought I was dangerous. I only wanted to keep you safe. That's all a father wants to do, is to protect his children. But when you were little, I caught you playing with my shuriken. They would have killed you, Suiren. And do you know who named you? I did." Said Ginsei, his tone soft and calming. As Ginsei stroked Suiren's hair, she began to calm down. Maybe, just maybe... I can be happy like this. I could have a father again, and live together with him, like a family. Suiren thought, closing her eyes and returning the hug. Ginsei smiled. "Who are your friends, sweetie?" He asked. Suiren ended the hug and went over to where Kokuyōseki and Jacques were. Jacques was treating Kokuyōseki's arm again, and putting it back in the sling. "This is my best friend, Kokuyōseki, and this is Jacques. He's a medical ninja. And then, over there is Hiro, he's a medical ninja too. And Kakashi is my boyfriend. Come to think of it, where is Kakashi?" Suiren said, looking around. Then, Kakashi landed from a nearby tree and grabbed Suiren, pulling her away from Ginsei. "What are you thinking? This man is dangerous! We were ordered to kill him!" Kakashi whispered in her ear. Suiren shook her head. "I think he's ok, Kakashi. I wanna go back to Konoha. Let's pack up and take Ginsei with us. The third will know what to do with him." Suiren said, smiling brightly. Kakashi sighed. "I don't trust him, Suiren. He is dangerous, he could be plotting against us this very second." Kakashi said, frowning. "You don't know that. I believe that he's my father. I'm going to trust him, Kakashi." Suiren said, folding her arms. "Really? Not ten minutes ago you were crying and claiming he wasn't your father. Explain that to me, why don't you?" Kakashi said, his tone getting dangerously harsh. Suiren frowned. "I'm going to go with Koku-chan and Jacques to the cabin so we can get Ginsei's things. Wait here." She said, turning away from Kakashi. "Hey! Suiren! Come back here! Do you not care that I'm worried about you?" Kakashi asked. Suiren stopped momentarily. "I know you care about me, Kakashi, but right now, family is more important. I love you, Kakashi. I'll see you when we get back."Suiren said, and continued walking towards Ginsei.

Kakashi's lover.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant