Undying love.

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Kokuyōseki and the medic ninja were almost halfway back to Konoha when Kokuyōseki felt a sharp pang in her chest. What the? Did something happen to Suiren and Kakashi? She thought, looking back the way they had come. Pain shot through her right arm as she tried to move it. "Ah...! Ow..." "Are you ok? Maybe we should stop. It's getting dark out." Said the medic ninja. Kokuyōseki nodded and they stopped. "Here. Let me see your arm." The medic ninja said. Carefully, he undid the sling that was holding up Kokuyōseki's arm. Slowly, he let the arm hang down so he could examine how bad the injury was. "Ow...!" The bone had been broken cleanly in half, causing a lot of pain. "What's your name?" Kokuyōseki asked. "Hm? Oh. My name is Jacques. Nice to meet you." Said Jacques, smiling. Kokuyōseki smiled back. As night fell, Jacques prepared a poultice with herbs to help with the pain in Kokuyōseki's arm. Carefully, he rubbed it onto the area where the break was. Almost instantly, colour started to return to Kokuyōseki's face. "That feels a lot better. Thank you Jacques." Kokuyōseki said. "You're welcome." Jacques said, putting her arm back in the sling. Later on that night, Kokuyōseki woke up, her arm in pain. I need to get back to Kakashi and Suiren as soon as possible. Kokuyōseki thought. Slowly but carefully, Kokuyōseki stood up and gathered her things as best she could. Then, she went back the way they had come. "I'm sorry, Jacques..." She said.

Kakashi was sleeping peacefully when a sudden noise woke him. He bolted upwards, only to wince at the pain in his side. He fell backwards, hitting the tree behind him. "Ah... ouch." He said, holding his side. He looked at Suiren. She was still out cold from her burst of energy earlier that day. The medic ninja that was with them was on guard, but was also mourning the loss of his teammate. Kakashi tried to stand up, but ended up falling back against the tree once more. The medic ninja looked back, grabbing a kunai. When he saw Kakashi, he relaxed and put the kunai away. Grabbing a few herbs, the medic ninja walked over to where Kakashi and Suiren were. Quickly, he made a poultice with the herbs. "Here, lift up your shirt so I can apply this to your wounds." He said. Kakashi nodded and lifted up his shirt. As the medic ninja applied the poultice, Kakashi winced at the pain, then relaxed as the herbs took effect. "I need to check on miss Suiren. Could you wake her?" Asked the medic ninja. Kakashi turned around to look at Suiren. Her face was peaceful and it looked like she was alright, but Kakashi gently shook her arm to try and wake her up. Slowly, her eyes opened and she looked in Kakashi's direction.

"Kakashi...? Where am I?" Suiren asked. Then she looked at his side and his face, and saw that he was beaten and bruised, and realization dawned upon her. "Kakashi! Are you ok? I'm so sorry! I was so useless...!" She said. "Never mind that. The medic- actually, what is your name?" Kakashi asked the medic ninja. "My name is Hiro. Nice to meet you, Suiren, Kakashi." Said Hiro. "Likewise. Anyway, he needs to check and see if you have any injuries." Kakashi said. Suiren blushed. "I-I want you to check, Kakashi... not a stranger..." Suiren said, whispering the last part. "I know, but you need to go through with it. He knows what he's doing." Kakashi said, grabbing her hand. Hiro lifted up her shirt slightly and checked for any serious injuries. Hours seemed to go by as Hiro checked her pulse and looked for injuries. He found a small cut on her back and put a bit of the poultice on it. After Hiro had put down her shirt, Suiren snuggled up to Kakashi. "You're ok, Suiren. Everything will be fine. As soon as we kill Ginsei, we'll go back to Konoha and spend as much time together as you want. I promise." Kakashi said, stroking Suiren's hair.

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