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As morning light filtered in through the tree leaves, a man awoke to the sound of birdsong. He dressed himself and walked out of his room in the small bland cabin. As he opened the door to the room, he heard footsteps and Ginsei passed by the man's door. "G-good morning Ginsei-sama. It's a wonderful day out today. I wonder why those three haven't come back yet. Do you think they were defeated?" Asked the man. "Shut up and make me breakfast." Ginsei said, walking in the direction of the kitchen. The man nodded and went out to a small chicken coop outside. The hens clucked and flapped their wings as the man walked in with two buckets. One with grain in it and one empty. First, he held up the bucket with the grain up to some of the hens. Immediately, they crowded around the bucket and began to eat. Meanwhile, the man took the eggs that were underneath them and put them in the second bucket. He continued to do this two more times before leaving the coop and going back to the cabin. As the man came back into the kitchen, he saw that Ginsei was sitting at the table, reading a book. The man gazed at him. Ginsei's hair was a bright red and was shaggy and unkempt. His eyes were a bright silver that pierced everything he looked at. Ginsei was a tall man, about 6'5. The man smiled and walked to the sink to rinse the eggs he had collected. "Hurry up, asshole. I'm starving." Ginsei said, annoyed. The man nodded and took the clean eggs out of the bucket and began to dry them. He took out a frying pan and began making eggs. "Would you like them scrambled, Ginsei-sama?" The man asked. Ginsei simply grunted a "Sure" before going back to his book.

Meanwhile, back at the campsite, Kokuyōseki and Jacques were talking about Kakashi's recovery. "Do you think he'll be able to fight with us? I know he's been making progress with his clones, but I just don't think he should be here. He should be back in Konoha." Kokuyōseki said. Jacques nodded. "It is true. He shouldn't be here. He really ought to be back in Konoha. But I understand how he feels. He wants to to protect the girl he loves. Love can make you do some pretty crazy things, Kokuyōseki." He said, smiling to himself. There was silence for a moment as the two looked each other in the eye. Then a sudden yelp of pain from Suiren made them jump, and they both hurried to get up. In the process of doing so, Jacques tripped on a tree root and fell, bringing Kokuyōseki down with him. "Ow... What the...?" Kokuyōseki said, rubbing her head. As she opened her eyes, she saw that Jacques was lying on top of her. Her face flushed a deep red and when Jacques noticed what had happened he got up fast. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean..." Jacques said, blushing. "I-it's fine... it was an accident..." Kokuyōseki said, turning her back to him. Kokuyōseki walked away towards Suiren, where Kakashi was standing. He was holding her arm gently. "Hiro, could you come here?" He asked. Hiro nodded and went over to where they were. Then, in the bushes, Kokuyōseki noticed a glint of light coming from inside a bush and she went over to investigate. It was a kunai, and there was a small bit of fresh blood on it. Who would put a kunai in a bush? It's such a random place to put it. Was it intentional? Kokuyōseki thought to herself, frowning. As she stepped closer to the bush, she stepped on a wire and there was a click. "What the-" Kokuyōseki started, hearing the click. Then, a shuriken hit the ground, close to Suiren's feet. Both girls yelped in surprise. Then more shuriken showered down from the trees. "Hide!" Kakashi yelled, grabbing Suiren's arm. He pulled her into a bush, only to find that it was also a trap. He pushed her out of the bush and they ran to a different one. The shuriken continued to rain down and two hit Suiren in the back. "Ack!" She winced at the pain, but Kakashi pushed her forward to where the others were. "Earth style, mud wall!" Hiro shouted. A wall sprouted from the ground, shielding them from the shuriken. Finally, all was quiet and the wall disappeared, turning back into dirt. "We should check the camp for more traps and then move." Jacques said. "We'll go in two teams. Kokuyōseki is with me and Hiro and Suiren are with you, Kakashi." Jacques explained. The four of them nodded and they split up. Between the two teams, only four more traps were found. After they had found the traps, they gathered their things and backtracked several feet away from the cabin.

Kakashi's lover.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ