A dreadful night.

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Later on that day, Suiren went home and started to get ready for bed, when she heard her mother scream. She raced downstairs, wondering what was wrong. "Mom? Dad?" She said, cautiously walking downstairs. At that same moment, ANBU members were checking on people to make sure they were safe, when they heard a scream from the Kaori home. Immediately they went to see what was wrong. Suiren stood, shocked, as she watched a man in a very detailed mask kill and dismember her parents. She covered her mouth. No, no...! This isn't happening! T-this is genjutsu... yeah. There's no way... Suiren thought. Then, the scent of blood hit her nose. She choked and tried not to throw up as she watched her parents bodies being torn to shreds. Just then, ANBU members rushed in and killed the man who had killed Suiren's parents. Suiren collapsed to the ground, crying. "Mom! Dad!" She yelled. One of the ANBU members came to comfort her and take her to the hospital. Suiren was in shock and needed attention fast.

The next two days, Suiren spent in the hospital. Unable to comprehend what had truly happened to her parents. She knew her parents were dead. She couldn't tell Kakashi. He would only feel sorry for her. Just then, a nurse opened the door to her room. "Suiren-san, there's someone here to see you. A very handsome young man." Suiren stiffened. Kakashi... Kakashi rushed over to Suiren's bedside. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?" He asked, worried. Suiren stayed silent, a tear falling from her eye. "I'm... fine..." she said. Kakashi was confused. "You don't seem fine. What happened? Tell me, Suiren. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." Kakashi said. "Well, maybe I don't want help!" Suiren shouted. What's wrong with her? I'm worried about her and she says she doesn't want help? What's going on? Kakashi thought. Then he took off his mask and gave Suiren a kiss on the cheek before he left.

"The poor girl, having her parents killed in such an inhuman way and watching it. It's so sad. I hope she recovers from the shock soon." Said a woman who was passing by Kakashi. It was the day after he had visited Suiren in the hospital. Now I understand why she was pushing me away... He thought. He went to the hospital again right away to visit her again. He opened the door to her room and walked in. "Suiren. I heard what happened. I'm so sorry. I'll be your foundation. I'm here for you." He said. Suiren only cried and Kakashi went to go hug her. He took his mask off and kissed Suiren's forehead. "Everything's ok now. I'm here, Suiren. You can cry all you want." Kakashi said, hugging her closer. That day, Suiren was discharged from the hospital and was able to go home. "Kakashi... I want to go to your house and stay there... I don't wanna go home..." Suiren said, crying. "It's ok. You can come home with me." Kakashi said, hugging her again. "I love you, Suiren." "I love you too, Kakashi..." Suiren said.

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