A frightful revelation

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The following days were uneventful as Kakashi got better and trained with the girls. He was healing well. His wounds had scabs on them, which was a good sign. He was able to use his chakra more efficiently and move a lot faster. Their training sessions that Suiren, Kokuyōseki and Kakashi did would never last longer than fifteen minutes.

Off in the cabin, the man was preparing to go and greet their "visitors". As the man put on the Kabuki mask, he smirked, eager to put his plan into action. Stealthily, the man began to leave the cabin. "Where are you going?" Asked Ginsei, standing behind the man. "I'm going to greet our company we have sitting on our front step. Surely, you want them gone, Ginsei-sama?" Said the man. Ginsei thought for a moment, then smirked. "Very well. Kill everyone but the girl with blue hair. I'll take care of her. You have ten minutes to kill them. Have fun." Ginsei said, walking away. The man smiled and went to go to the campsite the Konoha ninjas had made. As he approached their camp, he heard kunai clash and knew they were training. He waited until he heard a female voice. "That was good, Kakashi. Let's stop here for now and rest." Said a girl with long blue hair. The man smirked and stood up, bushes rustling as he did so. "What was that?" Asked another girl with long, braided orange hair. "I'll go check." The girl with blue hair said, walking over to where the man was.

Suiren peeked behind a tree and gasped. As she saw the man behind the tree, she once again remembered the man who had killed her parents. The man with the mask had returned from the dead to get her. "N-no...! No! Stay away!" Suiren screamed, running back to Kakashi. "Suiren, what's wrong? Who's there?" Suiren only shivered and cried into Kakashi's chest, calling out for her parents. The man walked out from the cover of the bushes. "Why!? Why did you kill them!? Why did you destroy my family!?" Suiren shouted at the man. The man was confused. Then he smiled. "Oh. I see. So he didn't get all of ya, huh? The great Kaori family has been reduced to one member. Guess I'll just wipe out the last one." Said the man, smiling underneath the mask. "Why are you after my family!? What did we ever do to you?" Suiren cried. The man sighed. "You really don't get it, do you girly? Ginsei wants you gone because of what you did to him. Rather to his family." The man said. All of a sudden, a katana pierced through the man's chest, and blood spattered onto the ground. "Do I really have to do everything myself?" Asked a voice behind the now dying man. "G-Ginsei-sama...!" The man called out, then collapsed to the ground, dead. "Well hello, Suiren." Said a man with shaggy red hair and silver eyes. "Come to daddy."

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