A song for the wounded.

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Later on that week, Kakashi was ordered to go on a dangerous mission with a different girl. Kokuyōseki Yama. An earth style ninja. Of course, Suiren wasted no time in telling Kakashi to refuse the mission and stay with her. It was a month long mission with a 15% chance of survival. The mission was to assassinate a dangerous ninja and his group. The leader of the group, was named Ginsei. Silver. It was an A rank mission that all other ninja had failed and died on. I need to figure out who this Kokuyōseki person is... Suiren thought, opening the window in Kakashi's room. She leapt out and went to go search for her. After an hour of searching Suiren finally found her. Kokuyōseki. She was tall, like herself, with beautiful long orange hair tied in a braid. She had blue eyes with a hint of yellow in them. My gosh, her chest is huge! Then, Suiren looked at a clock. It was half past three in the afternoon. Oh no, I need to get back before Kakashi finds out I've left! Suiren thought, running back to his house. When she got back, she went back through the window that lead to Kakashi's room. She landed on the ground and took off her shoes. "Suiren?" Kakashi asked, shocked. Uh oh... this isn't good... She thought freezing in place. "O-oh! Hey, Kakashi!" She said, smiling weakly. "Don't 'hey Kakashi' me. Where have you been for the last hour and a half!? I was worried sick! Why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere!? You could've been ki-." He paused. "Hurt. You could have been hurt." Kakashi said. He was on his bed, his mask on the night stand. He looked like he had been searching for her while she was gone. Suiren dropped her shoes and collapsed to the ground, crying. "I'm sorry... I-I went to go see the girl you were going to go on that mission with... I don't want you to go with her! Take me with you instead! I don't want you to forget about me and leave me for her! Please... don't go... don't spend a month on a mission you'll probably die on with a girl you don't know..." Suiren cried. "I won't die. I know you must be jealous that another woman is going to be with me on a mission, but everything will be fine. I only have eyes for you, Suiren." Kakashi said. Suiren looked up at him. "R-really?" She asked. Kakashi nodded. "Really." He replied, smiling.

The next day, Kakashi went to the Hokage's office to request that Suiren come with him and Kokuyōseki. "Come in." Said the Third. Kakashi opened the door and stepped into the office. "Oh, Kakashi. Is there something you need?" Asked the Third. "Actually, there is. Lord Third, could you make it so that Suiren Kaori comes with us on our mission tomorrow? Three people will have a higher chance of survival and Suiren has grown incredibly strong." Kakashi said. The Third sat, thinking. "Very well. She may go along. After all, she is a very important person to you." He said, smiling gently. Kakashi smiled under his mask. "Thank you, Lord Third." Kakashi said and, left the building. When he got back home, he told Suiren what the Third had said. "He really said I could go!?" Suiren asked excitedly. Kakashi laughed. "Yes, he really did." He said, smiling. Then, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "K-Kakashi!?" She said, a little shocked. "What? You're my girlfriend. Am I suddenly not allowed to kiss you?" Kakashi asked. Suiren blushed. "I-it's not that... it was just... so sudden..." She replied. "Well, you can expect a lot more for the next month." Kakashi said, placing a hand on her cheek. "Because I love you." He said.

The next day, Kokuyōseki, Suiren, and Kakashi were standing before the gates outside Konoha. "You guys ready?" Asked Kokuyōseki. Suiren and Kakashi nodded in sync, and they were off. The Third Hokage stood at the entrance to the village, smiling. "Youth is a very mysterious thing, Kaori-san." He said to himself. Then, he went back into Konoha.

Kakashi's lover.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ