A growing worry.

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Suiren, Kakashi, Hiro, Jacques, Kokuyōseki, and Ginsei were walking towards the Hokage's office, having just returned from the hospital. As Suiren opened the door to the room, she ducked her head and the others trailed in behind her. The third Hokage looked up from his work and frowned at the group. "What is the meaning of this? I thought I ordered you to kill this man, and why didn't you report to me first thing?" The Hokage said, getting up and walking towards the group. Kakashi met the Hokage halfway and stood in front of him. "Lord Hokage, this man, Ginsei, is Suiren's father. Although we failed to kill him, we killed his followers." The Hokage sighed and walked up to Ginsei. "This is a dangerous man. Did you even bother to remember that before you walked in this room?" He asked Kakashi, his voice stern. Kakashi bowed. "My apologizes." He said. Ginsei took a step forward, but Suiren put her arm out in front of him. The Hokage glared at Ginsei, and said, "This man must pay for his crimes. Whether that be by death, or by serving time in prison." Suiren's eyes widened at the thought of her only connection to the last of her family being taken away from her. "No, please! Anything but death! Please don't kill my father!" Suiren shouted, clutching Ginsei's arm. "Silence!" The Hokage shouted. "Hold on now, my little flower." Ginsei said as Suiren hugged him and cried into his arm. "Now, lord Hokage, I'm willing to pay for what I've done with some jail time." He said, putting a hand on Suiren's back to try and calm her. "I make the decisions around here. If you cannot accept that, I suggest you leave." The Hokage said sternly. He turned and went to go sit at his desk, when ANBU members ran into the room. They surrounded Ginsei and Suiren, and took out their weapons. Suiren stood in front of Ginsei, her arms spread wide and a look of determination on her face. "Suiren, if they think it best to kill me, I understand. I've done a lot of bad things in my life. I just hope that reuniting with you wasn't one of them." Ginsei said calmly. Suiren turned around to look at Ginsei. "No, dad... please. Don't say that. I'm sure if you serve some time in jail, everything can go back to normal, right?" Ginsei was silent. "R-right dad?" Suiren asked again, letting her arms drop. "I don't want to lose my family again..." she said, and slumped to the ground. Ginsei took a step towards Suiren, when an anbu member shouted, "Not a step closer!" Suiren then got up and walked towards Ginsei. As she did so, one of the anbu members grabbed her arm and stopped her. "Stop right there. Anbu, you are dismissed. I have made my decision." Said the Hokage, standing up from his seat. The anbu members hesitated for a moment, then all but two of the anbu members left the room. Ginsei went to help Suiren up, when he started coughing again. More blood stained mucus covered Ginsei's hand and he fell to the ground, breathing heavily. After a few minutes, Ginsei stopped coughing and stood up, clutching his chest, as if there were something there that was uncomfortable. The Hokage waited patiently as Ginsei collected himself before speaking. "Ginsei, your sentence," he paused to think, "Is a lifetime of prison and hard labor. Your sentence will be carried out today. Anbu, take him to jail. The rest of you are dismissed." The Hokage said, and the two anbu ninja who had remained took Ginsei's arms and walked out of the room to the prison. Just before they left, Ginsei turned his head to look at Suiren and smiled, saying, "I love you, my sweet flower."

Suiren fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No... please... don't go... don't leave me alone...!" Suiren said, reaching out as the door to the room closed. "Kakashi Hatake, Suiren Kaori, and Kokuyōseki Yama. You have failed your mission. Honestly, I am quite disappointed in you three. I expected better, especially since I picked the people whom I thought would get the job done in much less time than it took you." The Hokage said after a moment of silence. Suiren stood up. "You're disappointed in us...?" She turned around, an expression of anger and loss on her face. "We did our best! How can you say you're disappointed in us when we did our best!? I found my father! Damn it all if he was a killer! He changed when he met me again! He hasn't killed anyone since I saw him! He's been nothing but kind and supportive, and-"
"Miss Kaori, that is quite enough!" The Hokage said sternly, gesturing towards the door. "You are dismissed." He said. Suiren only glared at him before turning her back and walking out of the room. She heard Kakashi apologizing to the Hokage for her behaviour and frowned. She ran off, heading for the cliff where all the faces of the previous and current Hokage were carved.

When Suiren reached the cliff face, she sat down and looked to the sky. I wonder if there's a god out there somewhere. Someone who could reverse all the bad stuff and make everything right again. Suiren thought. "Suiren! There you are!" Kokuyōseki said, running towards Suiren. Suiren turned around and gave a small, "Hey Koku-chan," before turning back around to look at the sky. Kokuyōseki sat down beside her. "So, what was with your outburst in front of the Hokage? I mean, I understand how you feel, but you could've just nodded, said sorry and then we'd be good." Kokuyōseki said, looking at Suiren. No response. Kokuyōseki sighed. "Oh come now, I know it doesn't seem fair, but you've gotta accept it for what it is. Kakashi told me himself that he was shocked at your outburst." She said. Suiren flinched when Kokuyōseki said Kakashi's name. "I... want my father back... I want everything to come back... Mom... Dad... Grandma... Grandpa... Everyone..." Suiren mumbled, looking at the ground. She clutched her knees and tears began to roll down her cheeks once more. Kokuyōseki smiled sweetly and placed her hand on Suiren's back. At the gesture, Suiren hugged Kokuyōseki tightly and cried like a child who had lost her favourite toy. At that moment, Kakashi walked up and crouched beside the girls, rubbing his hand up and down Suiren's back to calm her. After fifteen minutes, Suiren sat up, dried her eyes, and cleared her throat. "Can we... go have ramen?" She asked quietly. Kakashi chuckled. "Of course, Suiren." He said, standing, and offered his hand to help Suiren up. She smiled weakly and took his hand. "Sorry. I'll have to pass on that. I can't really hold chopsticks right now. Besides, Jacques is taking me to the hospital to get treated." Kokuyōseki said, and the three of them then parted and went their separate ways.

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