Chapter 8

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Addison's POV

The sound of my alarm wakes me up, I turn over to turn it off and instantly regret it as I yelp in pain, I forgot about my ribs, and the morphine has definitely worn off, at least my arm isn't too bad, just a little uncomfortable in the cast, what if I get an itch? I've never had a broken bone before. I quickly lay back straight so I'm in a comfortable position with my ribs as I take some deep breaths, even breathing is really painful!

"Addi, are you ok?" I hear come from the other room. Oh yeah, Justin stayed over, we've both only had about 5 or 6 hours sleep, I don't know about him but I'm knackered.

"Well, apart from being in pain from my ribs, yes" I say as I sit up. "You can come in, it's ok" I say, he then does just that, I pat on my bed and he comes over and sits on the edge.

"The morphine has worn off then, do you want some painkillers now?" He asks.

"I doubt they'll be as strong as morphine but sure, if they take the edge off" I say, he gets up and leaves the bedroom area and returns in less than a minute with some painkillers and some water.

"Take these and then get some rest" He says as he sits back down, I take the painkillers and put the water to a side.

"We've gotta go to school" I point out.

"You're not going in today, not like that, in so much pain, and I'm not leaving you so I'm not going in either, I call in sick" He says.

"I can't let you do that, you need to go to work" I say feeling a bit bad, but appreciating him looking after me.

"I'm staying, now get some more sleep, I think we both could do with a couple more hours" He points out.

"Ok, a lay in would be nice" I say and we laugh and I regret it as my ribs hurt. "Ow!" I wince.

"Maybe laughing isn't a good idea today" He says.

"I'm fine" I say as the pain settles.

"Does your dad know what happened, has he been contacted?" He asks.

"No, I don't think so anyway" I say.

"I could call him if you want, just to let him know you're ok" He offers. The last thing I want is to worry dad, and he'll probably drive here and take me home.

"No, please don't, I don't wanna worry him, and I can imagine him driving here and taking me home, I don't wanna go home" I say to which he nods.

"Ok, I won't call him, anyway go to sleep, you look like you need it" He says and we smile at each other, he gets up and starts heading out. I don't want him to leave my side, I wanna fall asleep against his chest with his arms wrapped around me protectively.

"Justin" I call. Wait, no! I can't tell him to stay with me, not like that, I can't put him in that position. He turns around and gives me his attention.

"What is it?" He asks. I can't have him do that.

"Thanks, you know, for everything, being here and looking after me" I say as a cover story. He gives me a nod.

"It's not a problem, honestly" He says and walks out. I get myself comfy while grunting to the pain and before I know it, I'm in a dream.

A few hours or so pass and I leave my dream state and slowly open my eyes, I look over to see what the time is, 10:10am, I slept for a good few hours, I must have needed it. I slowly get up, trying to ease my pain a little bit, I feel like it works, I slowly get myself out of my bed and walk into the living room area, I'm hungry, I should make something for myself and Justin. I look over at him on the sofa, sleeping peacefully, he looks cute, very cute. I can never tell the others about this, and definitely not that I'm having these thoughts about him, I can't like him, I should convince myself to not like him that way. I got over to the kitchen area and start making some food, I cook some bacon and eggs for some sandwiches. I hear movement so I look over to Justin to see he's starting to wake up, just in time for food, he must be smelling it.

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