Chapter 6: Temporary Roommate

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Day 1

Joe's Pov:

"You don't have to carry me up the stairs!"

I squirmed behind Richard as he continued to ignore my protests, climbing the stairs so effortlessly while still giving me an embarrassing piggy back ride. Josh has already parted ways with us when we arrived to their small town.

Just like this town, Richard's house wasn't that big. It wasn't fancy around here in general. Instead, the neighborhood was surrounded by trees and little shops here and there. Friendly faces smiled and greeted Richard on the way to his house as well. They gave me strange looks though.

Guess he was popular around here.

"Ah!" the blonde exclaimed, snatching me away from my deep thoughts.

I looked over his shoulder as we came into a stop in front of a creamy door. He looked back at me with a smile. I immediately moved my face, making space between our very close faces.

"This will be your room, babe" he chuckled at my sudden move, and turned to open the door with one hand while the other one was still secured under my bum. I felt my cheeks heat up, and couldn't wait to get off his back already.

This was so awkward.

Richard eased me out of his grip and placed me on the bed. He then stood up while I got comfortable. I looked around the room, avoiding his piercing gaze. It was not much, really. But there was a clean bed, and an empty desk. There was also a closet. And just like the whole house, this room was colored in a creamy shade.

"Thank you again, for letting me stay." I finally blurted, not knowing how else to break the silence.

Richard sighed, that smile never leaving his face.

"What?' I said, getting a bit annoyed at his constant smiles.

He shook his head, finally taking a seat beside me on the bed. "Your welcome, Joe. I'll bring you some spare clothes later on. Sorry they won't fit well, but we should share since you have none." He then pointed at the door, "my room is just across from yours. I also live with my grandma, so don't worry about parents fussing over you staying over. She's really chill, her room is downstairs since she can't climb up so often." He then turned to me once again, flashing that grin of his, "m'kay babe?"

I nodded, "but can you stop calling me babe?" I've had enough of that stupid nickname. It's making me so uncomfortable.

Why am I so uncomfortable?

Richard's blue eyes widened with amusement as he leaned in a bit, "why not, babe?"

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as I, once again, jerked my head further from him. "You clearly don't understand the concept of personal space."

"This is my personal space though. It's my house." He teased, leaning in once again as his perfume greeted my nose. Fuck . "So why can't I call you babe?"

I gulped, now leaning on my hand for support.

What the fuck does he think he's doing?

"I have a boyfriend." I finally blurted out. I didn't sound as shaken as I felt. Thank god!

His eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn't detect for a mere second, before they resumed to normal. "so?" he finally said, sounding bored.

"So, you're not allowed to call me that. It's weird. I appreciate your huge help, Richard. But please, don't make this harder on me." I said in a low voice, still facing him as his eyes dug into my own.

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