Chapter 5: Nothing but a Perv!

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Dan's Pov:

"Where is he?"

I stood up from my place and walked towards him, " I said: where is he, Troye?"

He looked up at me. "How the fuck should I know?"

"He's your blimmin boyfriend!" I shouted in anger.

Troye set his phone aside and rose from his seat, his face was inches away from mine as he gritted out, " you said it. His boyfriend, not his fucking babysitter! It hasn't been 24 hours yet, so chill Danny boy."

I can't believe this.

My eyes narrowed dangerously while I took a hold of his shirt, and forced him closer, " you listen to me and you listen good bitch. If I find out in any way that you'd been apart of this-"

"What?" he interrupted me with a snarl, " you'll go rat me out to your broke daddy? Please."

I shoved him back on the chair, making him gasp as he landed on it. I spat at him furiously, " don't you dare even go there."

At that moment, Phil appeared at my side and held me back by my shoulder, " Danny, he's not worth it. Calm down."

"Yeah." Troye smiled wickedly as he sat up straight and dusted his shirt, " down boy. One more shove and I could report you for assault."

I huffed in frustration. He was the devil himself. After giving him another burning glare, I turned to Phil, " where is Alfie?"

"He just contacted the police. They said that they can't do anything until 24 hours passes."

"Who the fuck made up that dumb rule anyway?" I groaned as I rubbed my face, " did he contact Zoe or his father?"

"Not yet. He said he didn't want to worry them until the matter gets serious." Phil pouted. I could see the worry in his eyes, and it made me worry even more. So I grabbed his arms, and pulled him in for a comforting hug.

"Do you think he's okay? We've called him several times but his phone is disconnected..." he mumbled quietly. I could feel that he was in the verge of tears. Phil was extremely sensitive, after all.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back to calm him down, " he's going to be just fine. We'll go and look around some more, what do you say?"

He nodded on the crook of my neck, before we pulled apart. I smiled at him softly, kissing his forehead before he returned a sweet smile back at me. He's so cute.

I turned to Troye then, hating the fact that I have to communicate with him " are you going to come along and look, or are you just going to stay there like the good for nothing you are?"

Troye snorted, " nope. I'm just going to sit here and wait for Alfie. He might have some news."

I huffed yet again and rolled my eyes, " whatever."

I felt Phil's warm fingers intertwine with my own. I smiled automatically as relief washed over my chest, and looked at his beautiful face as he said, " let's go, Dan."

I nodded, "lets."

I hope you're safe, Joe. Wherever you are.


Joe's Pov:

My body hurt.

That was the first thought I got as I stirred in my sleep, and slowly tried to open my exhausted eyes. I let out a small yawn as I looked around, my vision getting clearer by the second. It took me a while to register everything in my mind, and here is what I concluded: yesterday wasn't a nightmare. It was real.

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