Chapter 4: Familiar Eyes In The Moonlight

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South Africa- 12:40 AM:

Harsh breathes, trembling lips, and soaked cheeks.

I wasn't sure if I was going to survive this. The suffocating feeling was too much to handle, I'm almost having a panic attack and I was struggling to contain myself until I get to safety.

I was claustrophobic as I mentioned earlier on. They took me and put me inside that horribly dark trunk that reeked of strange chemicals' smell.

I was an idiot, I shouldn't have gone outside, and this right here was my last straw that broke my back into two pieces. The worst part was that I wasn't sure I was ever going to recover from this again.

"Come out come out wherever you are, you little brat!" the man's sharp voice roared not too far away from me as I shivered in horror.

I was running for dear life in the darkness.

I was running, and I didn't even bother to look back at the group of men searching for me. I ran deeper into the forest, where they can't find me.

I could hear their faint sounds, shouting and cursing that I got away and that they needed to find me. I clutched the camera in my pocket for the last time to make sure it didn't fall off, before running even faster through the trees, and deeper into the forest.

I have to disappear, and fast.

5 hours earlier:

"Mmmf, Troye. Stop, they might see us!" I moaned  in pleasure, as my boyfriend ravished my neck with endless opened mouth kisses. He was currently straddling me, as everyone else was too busy napping to notice.

We were on a plane to South Africa- Cape Town to be exact, where we were finally going to get our big break as dancers in the upcoming Romeo and Juliet show.

Mrs. Evans was preparing us for months now so that we can audition for the role of Romeo, and we couldn't be more excited at this moment. A little too excited, if you know what I mean.

"Joe, just be quiet so no one would hear," Troye whispered to my ear seductively as he continued sucking my neck, giving me love bites that I'd have to cover later on.

Troye and I were dating for a nearly a year now. He was the sweetest most loving boyfriend who showered me with kisses and lovely dates. Though we were quite intimate, we haven't really gone any further than making out and touching over clothes.

It's crazy that one year passed already and I still couldn't bring myself to have sex with my boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, he's so hot and I really like him. But there was this feeling inside of me that kept preventing me from taking the next step.

I know Troye wants it more than anything, but he has been so patient with me and never really forced anything upon me.

He was the best.

Troye suddenly brushed his hand over my stomach and made me wince "ah!" I breathed in pain.

"Fuck...sorry Joe, I didn't mean to. I forgot what that bastard did to you." His eyes widened as he brushed his fingers on my cheeks gently.

"It's fine, just don't press on it again," I smiled weakly.

Troye was clam at first when we were packing my stuff back home. But Connor came with a bruised face in the next day of school, and I have no idea how that happened. He surely did deserve it though.

At first I thought it was my boyfriend who did that to him, but Troye swore he didn't do it, and I believed him. Connor must have really abusive parents. I kind of understood why he bullies me now.

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