Chpater 3: Two Faces

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3 days earlier:

"1, 2, 3.... 1,2,3 and jump, twirl, run, and catch!" Mrs. Evans instructed as Troye and I caught both girls in our arms swiftly.

We were both practicing for this huge audition happening in 10 days in South Africa for the part of Romeo in the upcoming Romeo and Juliet ballet show. Though the show is not actually happening before two months, and it would be set in London.

I'll be 18 by then, and school would be over so dad won't protest much. Besides, he's already letting me miss a week. So it's cool.

Troye and I were both thrilled for this amazing opportunity when Mrs. Evans presented the idea.  She confessed that she had recommend both of us to get a spot in the auditions after sending our applications to the producers. We were expected to fly out in 3 days and stay there exploring the country before the big day, which was super exciting.

The rest of the guys were to audition too, but seeing that Troye and I were the best for the lead role, Mrs. Evans placed them in other supporting roles to audition for.

No girl was fit enough from our studio to be sent off for the role of Juliet. Though Mrs. Evans called up my sister Zoe to do it, but she had other things to prepare for in collage.

Sucks for her, I guess.

"And that is it for today, thank you everyone for your hard work," Mrs. Evan sang sweetly, as she closed the classical music and looked at us four.

Troye and I let out a large huff. It was tiring as hell to be practicing for 4 straight hours, and constantly lifting someone and twirling them around in your arms. But it was also so worth it for that role.

There will be well known critics and talent scouts there, so it'll be great to actually have the opportunity to head on to Julliard or another great school of arts if they were impressed with us.

"Thank you Mrs. Evans," the two girls said to her, before sending shy smiles to us boys, and exiting the room. They made me shiver.

Girls give you cooties. Gross.

"Please, call me Colleen." Mrs. Evans waved goodbye as they smiled knowingly back at her, shutting the door behind them.

Mrs. Evans turned to us with a grin, " boys, I don't know what to say. I think you will do a brilliant job in South Africa, and I just know that I would be proud no matter what. I'm sorry that I wont be there to cheer you on." She frowned.

"Thank you Mrs. Evans, I'm so excited to snatch that role and make you proud"  Troye gushed with a grin as he took a sip from his water bottle.

He then turned to me with a smug smile, " let's be real I will so take it away from little Joe here."

I stuck my tongue out playfully as I placed my own water bottle down, "we'll see about that, Troye boy."

"That's the spirit, Joe," Mrs. Evans clapped her hands with a nod, "and please Troye, call me Coleen."

"Colleen, I'm sorry." He smiled innocently.

She nodded yet again, "okay boys, that would be all for today as I said. Make sure you come tomorrow for the final rehearsal."

"We wouldn't dream of missing it," I said as Troye and I grabbed our backpacks and towels. I needed to shower, badly.


"Bye babe," he whispered as his lips hovered over mine.  We had just finished making out on my doorstep after he walked me to it. It was hot.

"Bye," I bit my bottom lip as Troye smiled that charming toothy smile of his. He was gorgeous.

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