Chapter Twenty

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Twenty
Jayden's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

"I guess I should tell you that you surprised me."

"How so?" She asked.

"You asked me to dinner."

She smiled and averted her eyes from me, "I surprised myself."

"What made you do it?" I'm truly curious.

She sighed. "I felt like I owed it to you."

That's not exactly the answer I was hoping for.

So she doesn't have feelings for me? This isn't a date DATE?

I hung and shook my head. "You don't owe me anything Rose."

"No, I do..." She nodded, pinning me with her beautiful brown eyes. "I owe you an explanation and a million apologies... I have to be honest with you but also with myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't ignore what I was feeling at the park the other day. Jayden, I haven't felt that relaxed and that free in a long time." She smiled at the memory. "I realized that... It's because of you."

I could tell It was taking a lot for her to admit that to me. If only she knew how much I could relate to that. Hearing her say that made me feel so much relief... but I wont get my hopes up with her too fast. There were still some things she needs to clear up for me.

"I want you," I confessed with so much assurance that it scared me a little. "I guess I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't want you. I've tried so hard to erase you from my life these past few years... but I never could." I confessed to her. The desperate yet stern tone of my voice was foreign to my own ears, but she needs to know how sincere I am. "You said you had an explanation... Before I go any further with you... Rose I need to know... Why...? Why did you leave me?"

I didn't like how desperate I sounded. I didn't know if I'd like what she would say or not, but I wanted to know anyway. I needed to know... I wanted to take that chance because God knows that this woman is my weakness and as much as I want to hate and despise her... I can't. I just can't. So I need to know why she left me. The ugly Gods honest truth.

"Did you cheat on me? You found someone else?" I blurted out.

"No!" She said immediately before I could even finish my sentence. "No. I never cheated on you."

"Then what happened?" I basically pleaded with her.

"I was scared. You were giving everything you've ever wanted up for me. Football was your passion and you worked so hard for that scholarship. When you were on that field... you were really alive. Seeing you so full of life like that was all I ever wanted. Going to college in New York was a childish dream of mine that I would've given up in a heartbeat for you, but you never gave me the chance..."

"Because you were my passion, Rose. I didn't need a football field to make me feel alive anymore. I felt alive because of you. Because you were at every football game, cheering me on from the bleachers. Because even though it wasn't realistic for me to play college football you always made me feel like it was. When I got that full ride to Ohio State... I was grateful and happy but that wasn't the lifestyle I wanted. I was prepared and ready to let it go, for you."

"I didn't want you to do that Jayden. You were the best of the best... Everybody college team wanted you."

"I wanted you more," I tried to make her understand.

A Love Like Boomerang *EDITING*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant