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Aïssata POV-

I walk out the doctor's office after talking with her and Olivia is still on her shift she waves me over what an uneasy pity smile

"Why do you look so... Sad?" I ask her as I get close

"Um I'm sorry," she says and looks down I'm confused

"What are you sorry about you did nothing"

"No, it's not that I did something... Just look" she pulled out her phone and goes to a TMZ page

there's a picture of Justin in the dark-haired girl on his porch hugging her. this isn't old he's wearing the same thing he was this morning same everything the same style of his hair the same at hat everything

"Oh, thank you for showing this to me" I quickly walk out the building the paps shout questions at me I keep walking with my head up showing no trace of emotion


when I pull up to his house girls car is still there. I park across the road and walk up to the front door opening it with my spare key I walk upstairs and just start packing, they probably are watching a movie or something I heard something down the hall

I'm almost done I hear but steps coming up

"Who's here" I hear a female voice, not just any female, Claudia's voice

when I'm done packing I grab all of Justin and me pictures I throw them on the floor I ripped some and a half

the footsteps I got closer to the room I hear Justin's voice too now


I grabbed my bag of everything and open the door and walk out they look at each other and look at me

"Hey babe how was your last day of chemo," he asks trying to sound sincere he clenches his jaw

" I'm not your babe, and I will never ever be your babe again..you are a cheater always will be and I forgave you so many times..but you never learn..I Lost My Baby I lost our baby...I beat cancer...I've gone through so much but I still forgive you back in back you will never learn...I'm done Justin I'm done"

"What do you mean you lost our baby, you fucking killed him. My first child and you didn't think I would find out" He lets out a bitter laugh and continues

"I love you Aïssata but then you do this you take away my privilege of being a dad and you barley give a damn you only ever cared about yourself" He yells and it's like a slap across my face

"I-I didn't know what to do I didn't want to die, I was at high risk of dying if I gave birth to our child. I was afraid so I told them not to tell me what to do I don't know if I still have him/her" I scream back and I hear more footsteps

"What's the yelling about," Diego voice is the first

"Of all people you went to my old friendship and brother, and you didn't think to come to me and talk about our problem" I end and walk down the steps

I'm greeted by my friends from everywhere I've ever lived and my family-my mom and sister-everyone.

"Congrats" They yell  and there's a banner that wasn't there before it says "No More CANCER!"

I look at everyone and then I zayn out the door so fast

I make sure I don't run into their cars

"Aïssata! Wait" I hear some one yell I keep walking

"Aïssata" Claudia yells

I turn a little


It happens so fast. I feel a sharp pain radiating everywhere. I collapse on the floor. The car speeds away

"Justin" I yell, too loud I touch my head hey hands are wet and sticky. Its blood, is it mine.

"Aïssata hold on" Someone grabs my bloody hand

"J-Justin?" I say

"Shh it's okay baby"

"I l-love y-you" I barley say

"I love you too baby hold on" I feel water on my face


Everything goes black


Guys I swear I didn't plan this It wasn't supposed to go down like this

Don't come for my life. *runs away*

I'm sorry for going I hiatus again I wanted to take a short break because I have a special announcement at the end of the next chapter

I watched Infinity war it messed me up so bad I don't wanna spoil it so I won't say anything but I'm shook and I'm messed up 😭😓😥😢😰😪

I love you all SO x infinity much

Stay beautiful, hip, and lit


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