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*haha 123*
Aïssata's POV ~Same night

I pull at my hair while I cry into my knees

What the fuck is wrong with me I need to pull it together

I call Millie, no answer, I call Diego, still no answer

No one is answering my calls I don't wanna call Justin because her won't pick up and I'll be more disappointed

I call Justin

"Hello" He says like he's outa breath

"Justin, when will you be home"

"Soon baby what's wrong"

"I don't know what's wrong" I hold in my cries

"I'll be home in 15 I promise"

"I-okay see you" I hang up and get off his bed and walk to the bathroom

I open his cabinet

Nothing but toothpaste toothbrushes and his anxiety pills

I go back in his room and get my overnight bag with all my stuff in it and grab my tiny "toiletry" bag

I pull out the extra bottle of pills I had kept away

I grab my phone off the bed and dial my mama

"Hello, Aïssata it's late why you calling me at this hour" She says in her heavy accent

"I just wanted to tell you I love you and goodnight"

"Oh, goodnight baby, don't forget to pray"

"I won't, I love you mama"

"Love you baby" I hang up and text my sister a goodnight and a I love you

I hold the pills up to my mouth and was about to throw them back when my phone goes off

"You called" Diego's husky voice says

"I don't need to talk to you anymore bye"

"No wait, is something wrong"

"No...actually yeah everything's wrong so I wanted to call you and tell you I love you"

"Don't try me Aïsa please don't try me"

"I'm not trying anyone"

"I swear Aïssata don't do it I know what you're thinking about doing don't do it"

"I love you so much Diego thank you for being the best big brother anyone can ask for but I have to go now"

"Aïssata listen to m-" I hand up and put my phone down

I put them all up to my mouth

I don't do it, I'm not gonna do it

I stand and walk to the bathroom and flush them down the toilet

I sit on the bathroom floor and cry

"Baby I'm home" I hear Justin

His footsteps get close I keep crying

"Babe" He comes over to me and try's to touch me

"Don't touch me"

"Baby what's wrong" He try's to grab my hand

"Don't Justin just please leave me alone" I turn around and stare at the shower

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