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@enews This morning Justin Bieber and Aïssata Diallo were seen leaving Beverly Hills Cancer Center they looked extremely stressed

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@enews This morning Justin Bieber and Aïssata Diallo were seen leaving Beverly Hills Cancer Center they looked extremely stressed. We have no intel on why they were there. For privacy, of the couple, we are turning off comments.


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Camie's POV (🙄🙄🙄 I don't like her but I gotta do it)

All the girls are finally at Kendall Gia and eyes house they got here around 7 and we're going live at 8 so very soon

"Guys not to be a Debbie Downer or anything but this is kind of pushing the limit I mean putting her business out there like that" Ky says and then we bust out into laughing

"God, Ky you're so funny, I thought you were serious for a second," I try to stay between breaths

"Never, hun, she gets what she deserves"

we set up the lighting to be perfect you know cuz we are perfect and it's almost 8 so we tweet out and stuff

@camie.woods: going live at 8 see you guys there

900k ❤️ 18k 💬 9k 🔄

It's finally 8 and I start the live and make sure we look good

The second it starts views are coming in faster than Aïssata in 7th grade

"Hey friends it Camie here wit the baddest and the bestest friends in the universe Kendall, Gia, Kylie, and last bit she is not least Jordyn"

The comments rack in and ask questions about what I gotta say

"Well, the reason I'm going live right now is so I could address the situation with Aïssata and the rest of them" I look at the other girls and I continue

"Well you all know she kicked me out of her house, the truth is I was gonna leave anyways and her kicking me out was the best thing that could ever happen, I couldn't live with someone like her anymore she is manipulative she doesn't care for anyone but herself, not even Justin" I take a deep breath to hide the smirk playing on my lips

"She, as many of you already may know has cancer and yeah yeah feel bad for her. But the thing is she doesn't care for your condolences she is just plain evil, so evil she killed her own child so it wouldn't get in the spotlight" My fake tears start to spill and the girls play along and try to comfort me

"The doctor told her she had a choice whether to terminate the baby or let it live and she didn't give any fucks she told them to do whatever they thought was best and in result they terminated her baby"

The comments go crazy as fuck and start throwing the real hate at her

"She told me herself she hates her fans she thinks you all need som work and should fuck yourselves, I told her to not say that but she still did, I got a recording of  her when she said it" I play the video clip of a drunk and high Aïssata back in New York before she had fans and we were pretending she was all famous

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