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Justin is paying for our fro-yo and I'm watching the girl freak out about Justin Bieber getting Froyo from here

"like seriously you don't have to pay I mean your Justin Bieber" she shrieks ugh she acts like I'm not even here

"no, I insist it doesn't matter that I'm famous I'm going to pay" Justin says shoving the money in her face

"oh okay" she sighs in defeat and takes Justin's money

Justin grabs our Froyo and we head out

"OMFG Casey is that Justin Bieber OMFG" a girl yells oh, there's so many fans

"Nora, it is Justin Bieber" her friend yells

and once again the fans snatch my date away from me

"who's she" a girl well a woman about 23 ask look me up and down

"I'm Aïssata" I answer before Justin

"are you two on a date" 

"yeah we are," Justin says

"oh........." she rolls her eyes at me

"do you have something in your eye because you keep rolling them" I asked her

"oh... No I just-nevermind"

"Justin can I hug please"

"anything for a fan" he hugs her and she's me a smug look

"could I have a picture too"


"Casey can you please take this picture" she gives her phone to her friend

"okay... In the picture could you kiss my cheek" 


"Okay, okay on three 1-2-3" she turns her head so fast it could give her whiplash and she kisses Justin. I want to go batshit crazy on her but I just stand there and give her a shrug.

Justin pulls away immediately

"oh I'm so sorry I thought I was supposed to kiss your cheek"

"it's fine just mistake"

" I'm truly sorry"

the girl and her friend walk away and me and Justin go to his car and drive back to the house

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