Raided (part 1)

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"Dark Ones? They haven't appeared here in Spain in a long time now."

"The Aracs are reconstructing the returning grounds in the Basque mountains. We had to kill a Dark One just a few hours ago. It's happening all over again, Youssef."

Youssef seemed to be finally grasping the gravity of the situation. He nodded slowly. "This is bad."

"That's why I have to warn the others. Take these three to Luca Valentini and do what you can to help them. I don't have a moment to lose. I have to leave."

"Do not worry. I will take care of this from here. You do what you must."

"Then I leave them in your hands. Goodbye. If I have any word, I'll send letters in my usual code." She hesitated a moment before leaving, but then disappeared out of the door.

Youssef looked to the three left with him. "Well, then. I suppose there's nothing left for us to do than to set sail and look for the 'Diavolo'."

Manuel had already suspected that the ship wasn't going to be the greatest after having to spend the night sleeping on the cold hard floor of Youssef's house. But this was ridiculous.

The ship was barely ordained to be called one. The outward body of the small vessel was creeping with algae and whatever other specimen that started growing and festering along its edges. Men ran about the ship barking at each other in Arabic, moping dark, rotting wood floor boards and pulling on ropes all around, at the crack of dawn already with sweat glistening on them. The air smelt a pungent mixture of seawater and the odors coming from the salty seamen.

Youssef showed yellowed teeth as he laughed at Manuel's reaction. "She isn't pretty, I know. But she's mine, and she'll get you where you need to go."

Yunara had already started walking up the board to get onto the ship, Kailu close behind her. They carried their weapons on hand, as the night before they had all agreed that they should take all of their items from the carriage with them since there was no use in bringing it anymore. Manuel carried a bag with him that contained an emergency change of clothes, money, and the seeing powder that he applied uselessly every morning.

He watched her as she boarded the ship and wondered again why this was happening to him. She would never want to be with someone like him. She existed on a world separate from his. She would never belong in his society, nor he with hers. A part of him fantasied with the possibility of her pretending to be a Lady like his mother did. But he knew it could never be. He could tell she cared a lot about the fate of Ecencia. She wouldn't be here if she didn't. Her heart belonged there. And Manuel could never leave Spain. Spain was all he knew. It was impossible.

Manuel tried to center his thoughts and think about something else, boarding the boat together with Youssef, the smells getting stronger as he neared it.

Kailu and Yunara seemed unaffected by the disgust the ship gave Manuel. They were standing at the rails of the ship, looking over the water like they belonged. Then it suddenly made sense. They were Naiads. It must have been like home for them out here on the water.

"What do you normally do out on the water? This isn't a fishing boat." asked Kailu, turning around to face them.

"No, I ship goods from Morocco. Things that Lords and Ladies buy. Rugs, art, pottery. Fancy things like that. All of Valentini's favorites. I usually avoid him at all costs. I know more or less the waters he usually sails and avoid them. Makes me late by a few days sometimes, too."

"Then he's easy to find?"

"Finding him isn't the problem. Come with me into my office, and we can talk more."

The three of them did as Youssef requested, following him across the deck and through a door that lead to his office. The room wasn't as bad as the rest of the ship, with room to sit and a desk with a seamap across it for Youssef. Youssef sat at his chair and gestured for the rest of them to sit down. "As I was saying," he started. "Finding Luca Valentini isn't the problem. He has certain waters near Italy that he considers his territory. Trespassing will certainly get his attention. I'll just tell my crew that we're going to Italy on business and they won't ask any questions, no problem. But what are you planning on doing when you find him?"

To that question, no one had an answer. They would have to figure out what to do when the moment came. There was no way to plan ahead on this one. He was a pirate after all. No one could predict what Valentini would do. Manuel had to admit, he thought the Ancient Ones were choosing honorable people. There didn't seem to be anything honorable about a pirate, in his opinion. But his opinion wasn't going to change the situation at hand. The fact remained the same. Come what may, they were on a search for a pirate.

"Very well then," Youssef said at their silence. "That's what I imagined. If any of you want to come up with some ideas, you still have a few days. It will take us perhaps a week to get to Valentini's waters, especially with the still water we've been facing these days. My crew will show you to your bedrooms."


Can these people ever find a Chosen one that's easy to recruit? XD

Anyway, give me your thoughts! If you liked what you read, consider leaving a vote! And if you REALLY liked it, don't be selfish! Share with others so they can enjoy :D

See ya next chapter ;)

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