f o u r t e e n .

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it was about 2:00 am the next day.

luke and i had been walking since 8:30 pm yesterday and ive never been so tired.

we would switch holding molly, i wanted to let her walk alone but luke is worried she will run away.

"im so tired, are we almost there?" i asked him.

"maybe 20 minutes i recognize this place"

i nodded and kept walking and molly fell asleep in my arms.

luke scooped molly from my arms and into his. he held her close.

"luke my legs hur-"

"you could walk a field to get out of hell, you can do this"

i didnt respond and kept on walking.

just like luke said, 20 minutes later, i stood outside of the house as my heart was pounding.

he looked at me. "uh maybe you should do it" he said obviously a little scared.

"i dont kn-"

"you can learn. please rose. i dont wanna see her..."

"why would you recommend it if you dont want to?"

"rose shes an alcoholic! she hurt me!"

"like physically?"


i swallowed. "how do i do it"

"just go behind her and suffocate her with a pillow."

i nodded.

slowly walking to the door. it was unlocked. stupid lady.

i looked at the couch and saw an old lady with an empty beer bottle in her hand sleeping.

i grabbed a pillow and i was super nervous.

before i knew what i was doing, i pushed the pillow onto her face. she woke up flailing her arms around but then she stopped.

holy shit.

i just killed someone.

luke opened the door and walked in. "you did it" he said looking at her. "i hate her so much" he sounded as if he was gonna cry.

i just weakly smiled as he took her and

buried her in some ditch thing outside.

"we can finally start our new life!" i said.

luke smiled and hugged me.

molly brushed against my leg and wagged her tail.

i laughed. this was happening.

"our life now" luke said.

"so when do we get my stuff?" i saw the car keys.

"we can go later"

"or now"

he huffed and grabbed the keys. "where do you live"

• • •

"how do you know how to drive lucas"

"i was a bad kid."

we pulled up to the house. "okay i change my mind we shouldnt do this" i panicked.

"rose. its okay."

i slowly got out and walked up to the front door, entering the code that opened the door.

i quietly closed it and walked slowly into my room, hearing my moms snores fill the house.

on my bed was a fucking suitcase with every piece of clothing or accessory or anything i use-HEY. EVERYTHING I NEEDED MY MOM HAD PACKED. I CAN JUST TAKE IT.

i zipped the suitcase and quickly ran out of the house.

i felt like i was gonna cry. we were doing this.

i threw the suitcase in the back and got in the car. luke sped away as i explained what happened. "ah nice!"

we pulled back into his grandmas houses driveway...or our driveway.

he brought it inside and closed the door.

"im so happy rose! i get to start over and its all because you came and saved me! i love you so much!"

"i love you too lucas"

this was creepy and weird but i was still excited.

i sat down on the couch. "now what"

"we start living"

• • •

hi well im at the airport so i put this together

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