f o u r .

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next morning.

i woke up and my back was in pain for sleeping on the stupid bed. i pulled up the dress to where it showed my stomach. where there was now a gigantic bruise and i sighed.

luke looked over. "ouch" he said.

i quickly covered myself again and luke stood up.

"how many times did they hit you?" he asked me.

"only once"

"one time? seriously? each time i get fucking eight!"

"oh...im uh sorry"

"well we should probably start talking about our plan..."

"but how? the security cameras are on"

"these dont have sound. itll just look like a normal conversation cause these dickheads are idiots"

"okay well, what do you have in mind"

"im honestly not even sure yet, we gotta get to the mingle room to have more space to whisper..."

i nodded. "how do we get there"

luke stood up and went to the door and started banging and kicking on it.

"HEY!" i heard.

then a guard opened the door.

"aye daniel, can we go to the mingle room?" luke asked.

'daniel' looked between us, and then nodded. he cuffed us and then took us down to the mingle room.

he uncuffed us when we got there and luke led us to the very back.

"okay so, all cameras go off at night but thats when guards start watching. so what we have to do is find a way to get out the back without triggering any alarms"

"well i remember seeing a ladder to the roof over there" i pointed to a long and tall ladder.

"it be hard to do it without being caught"

"then we make a distraction in a different room and when they check it out, we hurry up"

"oh, good job rose"

i smiled, feeling accomplished.

"but how do we get off the roof and onto the ground and then past the fence..."

i was about to speak but then a guy came up to us. i hadnt seen him before but he had black hair and blue eyes.


"hi im nick" he smiled.


"pretty name for a pretty girl. well i just say you guys and i realized i hadnt met you yet." he winked.

"go away nick" luke warned in a deeper than normal voice.

"calm down man, so rose why are you in here?"


"like cause of insecurity depression"

"i guess yeah..."

"well rose, youre drop dead gorgeous and seem amazing"

i knew i was blushing like an idiot. "thanks. so uh what about you"

"i saw a ghost, freaked out, everyone thought i was crazy."

i nodded. "oh"

he was so nice. i totally forgot about my semi crush thing on luke as i felt a bigger crush develop on nick.

"nick go away" luke said again.

he laughed and walked away.

"i hate him" luke said.


"i just do...okay so anyways we can find a ladder thing to get down and we will figure the fence thing out later"

"okay...what should the distraction be though?"

he looked around. "well uh maybe we could get the Z section to go crazy all at the same time"

i widened my eyes. "but theyll choke you if you talk to them!"

"who told you that?"


"dont listen to that douchebag. i used to be there like 2 years ago. we only did that to the guards and made lots of noise to scare the shit out of those bitches. if i talk to them surely theyll do it"

"okay...um why are the Z section people so 'bad'."

"well, half of then for murder, and the rest because theyre damn right crazy."

"murder isnt even that bad though, i mean yeah it is but like murder should be like...the D section...i guess"

"yeah these people dont just shoot and kill, they locked people in a room, lit it on fire or drowned them or sliced their head off and then stabbed them thousands of times"

"oh..." i cringed thinking about it.

then a loud bell rang.

"what the hell was that?" i questioned.

"it means food. meaning guards have to take us back so we can eat some crappy bread and dirty water"

i gulped as a guard cuffed us and took us back to our room.

i looked at the old bread and brown water. then i looked at luke, who was scarfing the bread down his throat.

"rose it may be gross but you still gotta eat"

"no i dont"

"rose. eat." he said as he eyes turned into a darker blue


"it looks bad and sure as hell taste bad but you gotta eat!"

"ive gone over a week without eating im fucking fine"

"how many days have you not eaten?"


"rose. eat. now. before i shove it down yoUR GODDAMN THROAT!" he screamed.

i stared back terrified. i grabbed the bread and ate it all. it was nasty. take your least favorite food, dip it in dust and suck the air out of it. thats how this tasted.

i sat on the bed looking at the ground quietly.

"rose im sorry...i mean i get aggressive fast."

"its fine..." i said looking up as i smiled.

then the door opened. "blood gutsy. why the hell were you yelling at her?"

"what? i uh howd you know?"

"by your fucking face on the camera. should we chain you up again?"

"no sir"

the guard slammed the door shut and stomped down the hall.



"how you gonna get to section Z without being caught..."

"well uh when were in the mingle room i can sneak out...i guess"



"how come you hate so many people? that made it come down to like murder?"

"well uh when i was 10 i was bullied every day. it carried on until i was 13. then thats when i brought a knife to school and turned everyone into scared bitches. then i got angry and killed someone. then i got here."

"oh. im sorry."

"yeah. not your fault."

"im still sorry"


• • •

when i was coming up with nicks name i originally had it as jack aND IT TOOK ME A BIT TO REALIZE THAT I WAS DOING FUCKING TITANIC.

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