May 03 | 12:40

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I couldn't not add the classic cliche jealous restaurant waitress/waiter scene (that i also added in kumamon) so hope you enjoy loL

"Your dad is strangely amusing," Yoongi comments after a silence from their previous conversation, thinking about what happened just before they left Jimin's house. Jimin's father was home, and seeing Yoongi there for other reasons than to teach piano got an interestingly happy response.

"Yeah... I rarely get to see him, though. He's always out of city or country, but whenever he's home, it's awesome."

The two are walking side by side, close and in the comfort of each other's personal space.

"Where are we even going?" Yoongi asks, lips jutted out in curiosity. Unlike most times, this time Jimin is taking him out, deciding that the pants have been worn by Yoongi too many times in this relationship and Jimin wanted it back.

"Right here," Jimin says, stopping on his tracks just in front of an eating place. "I know it's not big, but I just wanted to eat together."

Yoongi grabs a soft hold on Jimin's hand before he steps forward eagerly. "Hm, doesn't need to be big to enjoy it."

The words make Jimin grin before he goes forward to enter, Yoongi following right behind him to fit through the door.

It's a diner, a place Jimin's visited for food ever since he was in middle school. He even knew some workers and the owners, but it'd been quite a while since he last came.

"What do you want to eat, hyung? I'll pay," Jimin says, looking at the board behind the counter to see if there are any new meals.

Yoongi snorts, "No, I'm gonna pay. It's basically half your mom's money anyway. She pays me way too much for your lessons, I swear..." he grumbles, pouting.

"She says you even return a bit back?" Jimin asks, eyes still scanning over the menu.

Sighing, Yoongi sounds like he's given up. "I try to, but she stops me before I can lower it to how much I'd want. I still end up getting a lot."

Laughing a little, Jimin finally gives Yoongi a side glance, having decided what to eat. "She's like that. She doesn't like accepting money back, or accepting money, either. But, if she gets gifts, no matter how bad it is and if it isn't money, she'll keep it forever."

Yoongi meets Jimin's eyes with an amused smile. "Well, maybe I should buy you all stuff as dowry," he joked.

Laughing loudly, Jimin's cheek flushes. "Oh, gosh, please don't. And, are you calling yourself the wife?" he asks, giggling.

The smile not dropping, Yoongi doesn't say anything, looking at the menu again. "I'll get whatever you'll have. I can't pick."

"Alright," Jimin says, before going over to the counter to order.

After the two are done and sitting at a table waiting for their food, Yoongi asks, "How's studying going?"

Groaning, Jimin slumps, "That's something I don't want to talk about. I want finals to come and end already."

"Hm, if you have any trouble, you can ask for help. I've gone through some classes you're taking, I might have some notes from back then unless Hoseok threw them away."

Jimin's jaw slacks, "Why are you telling me this when the year is at its end?" he whines, leaning back on the chair and crossing his arms, "You should've told me ever since the beginning."

Yoongi just gives a shrug, "I forgot about it. Sorry," he says, sheepishly. "But, you're doing fine, judging by your scores you showed me, so I thought you really don't need them."

"Well, yeah... I don't need them, but having them would've been easier for me," Jimin says, the pout not dying down.

After a few seconds, a waitress comes by, a kind smile present. "Good afternoon, here are your drinks."

After serving them, her star lingers a bit on Yoongi before she leaves.

And, of course, Jimin takes notice. His lips purse in a frown, but doesn't say anything.

Slowly taking a sip as he looks back at Jimin from looking out the window, Yoongi tilts his head in confusion. "Hm? Jiminie?"

Blinking, Jimin snaps back, "Yeah?"

"Is anything the matter?"

There's a few seconds before Jimin replies. "Not at all. I wanted to ask you something about the piano the other day–" without a hitch, the two fall into a comfortable conversation about pianos.

During the conversation across the table, they don't notice the waitress bringing in their food until they see the plates next to their glasses.

"Thank you," Jimin says, looking up at the woman but his eyes narrow a little seeing her gaze on Yoongi, again — who seems to be completely oblivious.

"Would you like anything else?" She presses, her smile widening when Yoongi looks up at her. "There are a lot of specials, today. If you get lucky, you might even get a meal for free."

Yoongi blinks, a little confused as to why this girl was talking to him about restaurant specials out of nowhere when he clearly didn't want anything to do with it.

Sighing, Jimin interrupts. "Excuse me, miss?" he says, catching the waitress's attention before sternly saying. "Miss, if you'd kindly step away from what's mine, I'd appreciate it."

Yoongi widens his eyes, unsure of what is happening. But, then the waitress lets out a sound of shock and casts her eyes down in embarrassment, apologizing before walking away, and he gets it, letting out a huff of laughter after she's gone.

With a joking tone, he says, "I'm not your possession, Jiminie."

Scrunching his nose cutely, Jimin huffs. "Not what I meant. 'M not objectifying you," he mutters, "Just claiming who's my boyfriend."

This makes Yoongi let out a series of giggles, delighted at heart. "You're cute. But, I think you scared her away."

A little embarrassed, Jimin refuses to look at Yoongi in the eye, but manages a smug, "Good" as he starts to eat.

Fondly smiling, Yoongi follows after Jimin to eat, and remembers something he's wanted to talk about.

"Jimin, do you want to go to Daegu with me in the summer?"

Freezing, Jimin looks up, eyes a little wide in surprise.

"You mean... to your home?"

Yoongi nods. "It's been a year since I've been there. I want to visit with you this time around," he sweetly says, lips cutely curled up.

Jimin's not sure how to react. He feels his heart intensely warm up, filling with affection thinking about Yoongi's question.

With warm cheeks and shy smile, Jimin says, tone joking, "Am I going to have to give some dowry?"

Chuckling, Yoongi just shakes his head.

"When are we going?" Jimin asks, continuing eating his food.

"Sometime this June. After the thirteenth, though."

"I'll tell my parents, then," Jimin says, voice a little muffled as his mouth is a little full of food.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," Yoongi scolds, his own mouth with food, as well.

Jimin breathes out a laugh through his nose, hoping he won't die from choking. After swallowing the food, he pointed an accusatory finger at Yoongi, a wide grin on his lips. "Don't do that!"

Yoongi grins back, but just shrugged and continued eating. Jimin just shakes his head and resumes as well.

The meal continues as normal, funny exchanges here and there, the soothe of each other's presence acting like calming white noise, gently lulling them to an equilibrium of placidity.

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