October 13 | 17:53

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Apologies. I fell asleep while editing the chapter last night.

"Hey, Jimin's Mom?" Yoongi says the moment the other line picks up, not wanting to waste any time.

"I told you to not be so formal- well, it's better than Mrs. Park. What's up? Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing at all. I wanted to ask if I could take Jimin out today for his birthday."

Jimin's mom's delighted laughter spills from the other line. "You keep asking me. You don't need to. He's an adult, too, you know?"

And, all of a sudden, Yoongi gets flustered. "That's true... but... I don't know. I think I'm just a little old-fashioned?"

He hears a teasing hum from the other end, heat rising to his cheeks. "I see. I don't think you're old-fashioned. Just really polite. I appreciate it, Yoongi. And, like always, my answer is yes, you have permission to take him anywhere you want. Where are you taking him?"

Yoongi wonders if he should tell her, and shrugs to himself. Jimin is an adult, anyway, she just said so, too.

"If it's okay... I'm taking him out for a dinner and a drink."

"Oh?" He hears a sound of surprise and winces, wondering if he just completely blew it, then hears a loud laugh. "Okay, take care of him well. He's a bit lightweight. I won't be back until tomorrow morning, so you'll have to bring him home. Stay over if you want. My break's ending."

"Okay. Thank you." Smiling to himself as the call ends, quite elated. He was almost at his destination, a little nervous of the whole thing. He doesn't know if Jimin will agree, so he's also brought along preparation for the lesson, some music sheets (they'd started on those a few days ago).


"Jimin?" He calls, pushing the music door open, seeing the boy on the bench already, not playing anything, though.

The said person turned around, a sunrise smile adorning his face. "Hyung!"

Lips curving up, Yoongi eyes to the side, looking towards front door. "Wanna go out?"

Jimin blinks, lips pursed in surprise, then he tilts his head, "Where?"

As Yoongi is pulling in a breath to answer, he sees Jimin covering the keys, indirectly but blatantly showing he's willing to go without even knowing where.

"Just to eat. And, maybe drink, if you want?" As he's answering, Jimin stands up and walks towards him. Stopping when they reached a conversational distance, Jimin's eyebrows furrow, yet the excited glint in his eyes is still present.

"Why, though? What's the special occasion?"

Laughing, Yoongi ruffles Jimin's hair, sincerely gleaming. "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday?" Jimin's eyes widen a little at the words and heat creeps up his face.

"How did you know," Jimin mumbles, feeling shy as he stares at the ground, heart strangely pacing a little faster. Yoongi was walking away from the music room doors, heading towards the front door to put on shoes, wanting to stare at the shy Jimin a little longer, (But, he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself, then.)

"Namjoon told me and Hoseok was fussing over your present," Yoongi casually says, as if it wasn't him who was fussing over it until two in the morning. He hears the doors to the music room gently shut before there are footsteps approaching him from behind and eventually, Jimin is standing in front of Yoongi, putting on his shoes.

The two make their way out, safely locking up, just walking down the street Jimin lived in.

"I haven't drank in a while..."

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