July 03 | 12:30

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Hoseok sighed, all of his exhaustion poured on the breath.

Yoongi snorted out a laugh, slurping the smoothie in his hands. The two were at a food court of a mall, having just watched a movie- which Yoongi basically slept through- now fulfilling their hunger.

"That movie was so scary!" Hoseok exclaimed, still not over the contents of the movie.

Raising an eyebrow, Yoongi spoke with an amused smile, "Was it really?"

Pouting, Hoseok pointed at Yoongi, "You were asleep almost the whole movie, how would you know?"

Shrugging, Yoongi scoffed, "Shows how un-scary it was since I fell asleep. I don't understand why you're fussing, you're the one who picked the movie."

Hoseok laughed, "I guess."

After a few seconds of silence, Hoseok spoke again, "Hyung."

"Hm?" Yoongi hummed, eyeing up at Hoseok who looked at him with a contemplating look.

"Do you want to go for a drive this evening? With Namjoon? Maybe we can get song ideas?" Thinking about the idea, it didn't seem like a bad one to Yoongi.

Just when he was about to speak an acceptance, he remembered it was a Monday. Just as he was about to say it, he got cut off.

"Oh, wait, we can't. You have to teach Jimin piano. Maybe coming Saturday?" Hoseok muttered, thinking of when Yoongi's evening was free. Nodding, Yoongi finished his drink, not wanting to give the effort to speak.

He also didn't want Hoseok to know how flustered he was just at the thought of Jimin, fondness for the blonde boy growing in Yoongi's heart.

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