Balcony Talk (well song)

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The song reached it's chorus as I ducked out of shot. A green screen made it seem like I was on rooftops, focusing on one in particular. The one where me and my "Boyfriend" used to live. Not going to lie, the actor was super cute. Blond hair and brown eyes. He had DIMPLES. I melted. Of course, I had to focus now because it was the bridge.

Inhaling deeply, I took off in a sprint from the wall. The room was huge, but it had to be to let me do this. I leapt into the air and performed a stunning choreography of flips, twists and turns. And landed it. Thank god. 

The dance was fast-paced and contained sharp strong moves. They were more difficult to do than the flips because I was used to being light on my feet and graceful. It took me a while to learn how to cut my arms out and move my legs in the way required. I needed a sharp lift to the side, not a graceful movement.

It was hard but also rewarding.

I had to practise all of this as Kayleigh. I was constantly melting in the wig because it got so hot. But I couldn't reveal myself as Y/N. Otherwise I'd be hounded.

Snapping out of my daze, I looked at the screen. Oops. I was supposed to publish it 5 minutes ago. I really need to stop daydreaming. I righted myself and hit send.

Then I went back too studio rehearsals. I only had 3 days until it kicked off in London. Tomorrow I had a stage rehearsal in the venue. I had no idea what it looked like. There were many people with backstage passes. It would take hours to meet them all. I was so excited.

In 2 days, I had a full dress rehearsal. I was performing every single track off the album except the skit. I would be concluding it with the final track.

There was a small account that followed me. The only other person that they followed was BTS. They were throwing hints at all of their followers. Nobody knew who they were, or how many people were on the account.

They had backstage passes so I guess I'll meet them soon.

The first song I was performing in London was Peace of Mind because it would start the tour off with how I secretly felt, I wish my dad especially could see this. See me. 

But I cannot afford to be sad. Too much weighs on this.

*Somewhere in a London Hotel*

*Min Yoongi's POV*

The hotel bed was so comfy. We had 3 rooms. And the other fools had decided to come into my room. (I shared with Namjoon because he actually slept at night, he doesn't stay awake till 1am playing video games). I could hear them all watching something in the next room. They were making lots of noise.

And it woke me up.

I went into the room rubbing my eyes.

"Yoongi come look at this." V grabbed my wrist and pulled me down next to him. He clicked play on the video. I recognised the song before I recognised the person. Kayleigh had released her MV for 'Homewrecker'.

The choreography was fast and fluid, she had to of been a dancer before this. She just moved so effortlessly. "Ballet." Jimin's voice spoke over the music. "She used to be a ballet dancer."

Jimin would know seeing as he used to be one too. He pointed out the signs. "The way she moves is fluid and graceful. Even though the moves are sharp, when she's transitioning her body ripples with the strength of a ballerina. And look-"

It was the song's bridge. She'd disappeared out of the shot. But suddenly the camera moved. AND SHOWED HER FLIPPING THROUGH THE AIR AS IF IT WERE EASY. I watched in awe as she landed it and immediately carried on.

"Those flips are done by someone with ballet and gymnastics experience. Unless you do both, it isn't physically possible to do that sequence."

The song ended and my jet lag crashed back.

"Oi you lot."

"Uh-oh" Jin walked out of the room quickly.

"I know jetlag might not of affected you as its affected me but I would like it if you WOULDN'T WAKE ME UP BY BEING NOISY. I KNOW WE ALL LIKE HER BUT I CAME INTO HERE TO SLEEP. BUT YOU ALL FOLLOW ME AND THAT'S FINE ASLONG AS YOU'RE QUIET."

"I like sleep, I need sleep more so now because I've lost sleep.  I know you're all jetlagged aswell so technically you should be sleeping but you're all excited so I ain't gonna force you to sleep when you're restless."

I turned around yawning and dove back into bed. "I hope your rehearsals are going well Kayleigh. See you in 3 days."

*3 days later*


I woke up at dawn. The amount of costume changes and shoes I had to change. Shoes. Why so many? I had to not only wear but dance in high heels, boots, strappy sandals and this absolutely awful pair of 10 inch heels. I wasn't allowed to wear flats. For homewrecker I was thankfully allowed to wear flat boots. At least they weren't heels.

I had 5 hours until I was due in the venue so I went onto the hotel's balcony. My house was somewhere in the country so I had to stay in a hotel for a few nights. I wouldn't see my house for 6 months. Swift was here with me. I wasn't going to leave him behind.

He had followed me out onto the balcony.

"It's today Swift, the first concert is today."

"Open my mouth and begin to sing, a little tune to welcome the day. Who knows what it will bring but today is concert day."

I sung softly to Swift leaning on the balcony. My voice carried on the wind.

*Park Jimin's POV*

The room above mine was awake. I was awake at dawn because of jetlag. I went out onto the balcony and heard singing coming from above. 

"Today is concert day." It was beautiful singing and I could hear the emotion behind it.

"The sun's rays are just appearing and all I can hear is beautiful singing. I thought I was the only one awake, and I'm going to the concert later today." I opened my mouth and joined her voice. I smiled as I sang, lowering my pitch so my voice wasn't recognisable, in case she was an ARMY. It was Kayleigh, that much was obvious. I heard her calling Swift and I know she had a dog up there.

I smirked and headed inside.


A voice came from below.

Even though they'd lowered their pitch, I knew it was Park Jimin. And he said he was coming to the concert. 

What are they doing here from Korea? Would someone as famous as him really come and see me?

That thought was still echoing round my head 5 hours later during sound check. All the lights were working, my microphone frequency was just right and the venue was beautiful. It was very big. The amount of people that would be sat here later made my head spin.

So much that 3 hours from the concert, I fainted onstage.

A/N Cliffhanger? Sign me up ;)

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