“Is he really gay or does he act like that to make Keegan uncomfortable,” Bethany inquired as soon as Josh was out of earshot.

“He’s gay. He’s not serious when he flirts with us though; he’s already got a boyfriend,” her brother explained. “He likes to tease Kee ‘cause he’s a bit homophobic even though he doesn’t want to admit it. That’s why I sometimes play along; it’s fun watching him try to pretend he’s open minded and not bothered.”

“Here are your drinks.” The waiter was back with a tray and four cups. “My shift is over so you can pay me now or give the money to one of the waitresses.”

“We’ll pay now. And it’s my treat,” Sky added, pulling a few bills out of his wallet.

“Just don’t write your phone number on those or both our boyfriends would be jealous,” Josh winked. “On the other hand, I like my boy when he’s jealous so maybe you should write your number.”

“But I already gave it to you, remember?” Sky noted.

“Oh, yeah…”

Josh took the money and waved us goodbye.

“‘Both our boyfriend would be jealous?’” Catherine asked.

“Josh always says that Kee and I would make a cute couple,” Skyler shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. “Mmm, nommy.”

“Look at my girls; they are both so pretty,” his mother smiled, as she gazed over the table at me and Beth. It wasn’t the first time she called me ‘her girl’ but each time she did, my heart leaped with joy and sorrow; her tone showed motherly affection but it wasn’t my mother who used it.

“What about me?” Sky resented.

“You are also pretty,” his mom conceded, patting his head.

“Keegan thinks guys shouldn’t be pretty; they should be rugged and handsome. Did I tell you I cooked for him?”

“Yes, Sky, you did,” Catherine replied.

“And that I also did laundry?”

“Yes, you did.”

“And that I…”

“Wash the dishes and know how to use a vacuum cleaner; yes, sweetie, you did,” Catherine answered, taking a sip of her beverage. “You’ve turned in quite a nice housewife.”

“Houseman, mom; I’m a guy.”

“I kind of know that. I gave birth to you, remember?” She nudged him with her elbow.

“Besides, I’m not the only one doing chores; Kee pitches in as well,” Sky went on.

“I’m so glad you are living with that boy,” his mom commented. “It’s good to know that there’s someone to keep an eye on you now that Alice is busy with Caden and Beth with Asher…”

“Asher the two-faced liar,” Bethany murmured angrily and crossed her hands.

“You don’t mean that, honey,” her mom noted confidently.

“On the contrary; I do,” my friend continued with a pout. “He lied to me, mom; he lied to my face,” she pointed at herself. “Right at this beautiful, model-like face.”

“Yeah, but he only did it to spare your feelings,” I butted in.

Beth’s lip quivered.

“I know that!” She shouted, making the costumers at a nearby table glare at her. She ignored them and continued to speak loudly: “And that’s the worse part. It’s the worst because it made me forgive him and I don’t wanna forgive him because I don’t want him to think it’s okay to lie to me, but I can’t stay mad at him because he did it for me - he even ate that soup - and I want to tell him that I’ve forgiven him, but then I think again about how lying is bad and…”

Frost on the Green (The Green Girl sequel) ✓Where stories live. Discover now