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Karen and Carl walked once again hand in hand; enjoying to be back in each other's arms. But were upset with Beth. If Dawn hadn't have had her gun out, Beth would still be alive. And Karen blames it all on Dawn.

Karen had tears going down her face for the thousandth time today since yesterday and she wouldn't stop. Beth had grown so much to become almost like Karen's older sister. And now she's gone.

Karen also blames herself for not being fast enough to notice Dawn's gun. If she had noticed, everyone won't be mourning right now.

Carl noticed her crying and stopped in his tracks.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. I know it's hard losing Beth, but at least she didn't die in vain." Carl stated as Karen nodded slowly. Carl was right. Beth didn't die in vain because now Dawn is dead.

This started to left her spirits a little bit but not a lot. The pain of losing someone that was like blood family to you, it's hard.

"Guys, we're running low on water." Karen excused herself from Carl and walked up beside Rick.

"Hey, Rick? I can go look for some water. I know there has to be a creek not to far from here. There should still be some clean water there." Rick nodded before he gave her one of his pistols.

"Thanks." Karen took it and placed it in her back pants pocket. Karen walked off in the woods but not before hearing Carl say he would go with with her.

Karen rolled her eyes and smirked before they both took off in the woods. Karen walked for a bit with Carl before she heard snarling. It was a good thing she still had her knife. She grabbed her knife and went up to the walker approaching them and stabbed it in the forehead.

"Wow. That was hot." Carl stated as Karen looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"So me stabbing a walker in the forehead was hot." Karen said as Carl smirked. "If you think that was hot...let me show what's hot."

Carl raised his eyebrows as he watched Karen walked towards him, her hips swaying slightly. Karen could clearly see the lust in his eyes and she continued before she pushed him gently to a nearby table.

"You want to see how hot I am, daddy?" Karen asked as Carl felt himself nearly undone at her words. He smirked before nodded to her clothes.

She slowly began to strip, going from her leather jacket to her pants to her shoes. She was now only left with her black lace bra and dark blue lace panties.

Carl really became undone when she began to slowly unbutton his shirt.

"You really being a tease. You know that, babygirl?" Karen smirked up at him before she pressed her lips against his, slowly but yet carefully pulling herself up to his lap. They both pulled away before Karen grabbed his hat and placed it on her head.

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