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"Karen, Rick, Michonne. I'm glad you were able to make it." Deanna said as Karen took the armchair while Rick and Michonne took the sofa.

"Anytime." Rick rested his forearms on his knees as he listened closely to what Deanna was about to say.

"I'm glad you're here. Now, I know most of you know about the incident from yesterday. With Aiden and Glenn. I know Karen wasn't there. But that issue cannot happen again and this is where you three come in." Deanna began as she sat down in a chair in front of them. "I want you to be our constables."

Karen leaned back in the chair, looking at the ground as she thought about this. If she became a constable, that means she can't exactly see Carl, Judith, Enid, or Kimberly. She would be working.

"Though, Karen, you'll be our youth constable. You'll be keeping the youths in our community in check. And it also means you'll be spending more time with them because you'll be mostly around them. We need you guys. I trust you enough to put you in the situation. In this position. All I need to know is will you be willing to do it?" Deanna said as Karen looked over at Rick and Michonne who stared back at her.

"Well, what do you guys think?" Karen asked as Michonne looked at Rick.

"It can be an opportunity to get people in check so we won't lose them." Michonne stated as Rick nodded. Rick looked at Deanna before he stood and held out his hand.

"You got yourself some constables." Deanna smiled before she shook his hand. "Great. I will have Olivia bring the clothes in about an hour."


Karen stared at herself in the mirror. It felt weird to be in police clothes even when she hated them before this started. But truth be told, you can't just pass up on an offer like this.

Though there was two flaws about the suit she wore. The zipper doesn't reach higher than her breast lines so she's showing cleavage. But lucky she was given a tank top to cover it. And the suit was tight around her ass and thighs. She could still move freely but it just kind of made her uncomfortable.

She would switch with Michonne, but knowing Rick, he would completely be super jealous over the guys staring at Michonne, his girl.

Think you heard that wrong? Wrong! Yes, his girl. And that's that.

So, Karen wrapped her clean hoodie around her waist to cover the flaw and smiled. She finally left out the house and walked outside. She headed towards the school area where she saw Jessie teaching the older kids at that moment.

"Hi, Karen. Want to join us for a moment? I know you're on duty." Jessie offered as the group of kids turned to look at her. Karen walked in and sat down in a chair behind a boy with blonde hair.

"Hey, Karen." Karen looked to the side to Enid sitting next to her.

"Hey. What's happening?" Karen said as Enid smiled.

"We're working with slope intercepts. They're kind of hard but it gets easy once you understand." Enid explained as Karen smiled.

"That's good. You going to the party later?" Enid nodded before Karen nodded back to her; going back to listening to Jessie.

Little did she know, Carl was not too far behind them and he couldn't stop staring. One because Jane looked really hot in the suit she's wearing. Two because he couldn't believe how fast her and Enid became friends.


"So, you're on duty with this area, too, huh?" Rick asked as he walked up to the side of Karen.

"Yep. I don't know why but yep, I am." Karen said as she watched the area. Not even 5 minutes into the watch, Karen saw Jessie pass by with a man.

"Hey guys." Karen and Rick waved before they went back. Though Jane looked back at them. That's when she saw the man give her the eye. And she knew exactly what it meant and Rick did too. He noticed it too and shielded himself in front of Karen.

The man glared at Rick before he continued walking with Jessie.

"What was that about?" Karen asked as Rick looked at her. "Why was he just eyeing me like that?"

"Karen, stay away from him. I don't know what he'll do to you if none of us are around. Just stay away from him." Rick said as Karen nodded and they went back to their watch.


"Okay, Miss Officer Friendly..." Karen laughed as she turned to the side to see Carl approach with Judith. He kissed Karen on the cheek before he spoke. "How's my hot officer girlfriend?"

"Um...let's see...oh, and let's cover the baby's innocent ears." Karen said she covered Judith's ears. "So your hot girlfriend is having a fricking heat session and really needs to get out of this suit."

Carl smirked with his eyebrows raised before he chuckled.

"Well, maybe we should change that. You off duty yet?"

"I'm about to. Right" Karen sighed in relief as her and Carl walked off to their house. Carl had put Judith to bed and Karen began to change out of her clothes.

Just as she took of the suit, Carl came in and stood in the doorway looking at his girlfriend.

"Damn..." Karen jumped and spun around to see Carl. "What?"

"How did I end up with a hot girl like you?" Karen rolled her eyes before she down on the bed.

"I don't know. Maybe because you're a hot guy." Karen said with a smile on her face before Carl smirked and walked towards her; climbing on top of her and locking his lips with hers.

She giggled as Carl's arm snaked around the middle of her back which tickled her. It was all well until she heard a gasp.


Oh, shit.

1000 words

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