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Karen smiled as she watched everyone enjoy themselves. This is how it's suppose to be. Just a group of people together enjoying each other's company.

"Hey." Karen looked up and smiled when she saw Carl. Karen was sat up against the wall of the church and Carl took his seat next to her.

"Hey, Grimes."

"You okay?" He asked as Karen smiled and nodded.

"This...This is how it's suppose to be. Not like hell. It's suppose to be joyful all the time. It was always lke this before this shit went down." Carl nodded before handed her a can. Karen smiled before taking the can and opened it.

"Yeah, well, this apocalypse really is a pain in my ass." Carl said as Karen laughed softly, she slowly leaned her head onto Carl's shoulder and began to slowly eat.

"Do ever think things will go back to the way they use to be?" Karen asked as Carl thought about it. He couldn't really give her an answer for that. He thinks it is possiblity that it could but couldn't at the same time. But you never know when something happens until it already has, right?


"Karen, give me a hand here." Abraham said as Karen walked over to the bus where she saw him working on it.

"What do you need help with?"

"I need you to tighten this fuel intact." He said as he scooted over so she could see. She quickly grabbed a wrench and tightened the pipe.

"Okay, you want to give it a go?" Abraham nodded before he got up and got on the bus. He grabbed the keys and turned it over; hearing the bus fully start made Karen cheer.

"That's my girl!" He said, referring to the bus, as he turned the vehicle off and got off.

"So what now?" Karen asked as Abraham wiped his hands off with his handkerchief.

"Well, good news is we got what we need to get to D.C. and we have enough space for everyone." Karen smiled before she nodded.

"I'll go let Rick know." Abraham nodded before Karen ran off into the church. Karen asked Michonne if she seen Rick and she pointed outside where Karen could clearly see him and Carl talking.

"...trust him. We don't know what we're getting into."

"You guys talking about the writings?" She asked as Carl nodded.

"Dad, we really should confront him about it. If there's people after him, we need to be prepared in case they're after us, too." Carl suggested as Rick thought about it. Karen looked around before looking back at Rick.

"Have you guys seen Bob?" Rick and Carl shook their heads before Karen started getting that feeling again. Something was wrong.

"RICK! COME QUICK!" They heard as they went running into the church; seeing Sasha with her gun pointed at Gabriel.

"Where are our people?" Sasha demanded as she kept her aim focused on his head. Gabriel, who was shuddering and stuttering in fear, continued to shake his head.

"I—I ha—ave n—nothing—I have nothing to d—do with thi—is." Karen walked towards him slowly and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch at the action.

"Gabriel? Do you know anything about our people?" Karen asked calmly as Gabriel shook his head.

"Those words. 'You'll burn for this.' That was meant for you wasn't it?" Karen asked as Gabriel began to shake violently.

"I always kept the doors closed. I always kept the doors closed." He kept repeating as Karen sighed softly.

"What about that woman at the food bank? You tried to protect her, but something happened? What did you do?" Karen asked Gabriel got on his knees.

"I always kept the doors closed. I'm being damned by you. You were sent from God to punish for my sins. I'm a sinner." He said as he beagn to breakdown. Karen slowly stood and back away from him; walking towards the outside of the church.

"Hey." Karen turned to see Tyreese and Sasha approach her.

"Hi guys."

"As much as I don't trust that man, I believe him. If he had something to do with this, he would have attacked us the moment we were off guard. Something doesn't seem right though."

Karen nodded before she excused herself. Karen walked off into the woods; observing the area. She then saw tracks and they were a size 10 in men's.

It was Bob's shoe print.

Karen followed it all the way to a road. She then cursed to herself when she went to the other side and saw no more tracks. Karen then went back to the road and followed the road.

Just when almost gave up, she got hit with a car. She blacked out before she could even figure out who hit her.

805 words

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