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Karen tied her boot laces before adjusting her shirt over her pants. She grabbed her sliencer and bag of knives and sliencer ammo before walking out of the prison.

"Where you think you're going?" She heard as she stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned around to Rick holding a bag in his hand.

"I normally go on runs around this time of day. I was hoping you wouldn't mind." Karen said as Rick pulled put his pistol; pulling the safety back which made Karen's heart quicken it's pace.

"Then I'm coming with you." He said before he walked past her. Karen sighed in relief before following Rick to a Silverado parked in the driveway.

"Can I drive?" Rick started to laugh hysterically but when he saw Karen was serious, he stared at her like she's gone mad.

"Absolutely not. You're like 10 years old."

"14 in a half." She corrected before she got in the truck. Rick sighed before hopping in the truck as well.

"Have you even driven before?" He asked as she looked up at him and smirked.

"Mr. Grimes, I've driving for the past 14 months and I know how to drift, drive backward, and forward without hesitation. So, you can say I'm a young expert." Rick shook his head, holding the door tightly as Karen started to the truck and took off.


"Alright. You clear that area and see if you can find any baby formula, some diapers, and some food and water. I'll check this area and see if I can find any weapons or food and water." Rick ordered before Karen nodded and walked over to the baby sections. She got out her sliencer and prepared herself as she turned down the aisle, seeing that there was stuff everywhere.

"Well, I see there's enough formula." She muttered to herself as she came across dozens of containers of formula. She grabbed a couple of them before stuffing them in her bag and grabbing dozens of diapers.

She heard snarling and looked up to see a couple walkers heading towards her.

"Shit." Was what came out of her mouth before she zipped her bag and bolted out of the aisle.

"Rick!" She called as she searched his area. Karen found him fighting off a walker. Before he could get bitten, Karen pulled out her swiss army knife and stabbed the walker in the skull while pushing it off of Rick.


"Sure, Grimes." She joked before she grabbed her bag and zipped out of the store, Rick following behind her as they threw the bags in the back and got in the car quickly.

"Come on! Come on!" Rick shouted as he tried starting the truck but it wouldn't budge. Karen got out and banged on the hood which got the truck starting.

"Yes! Let's go!" Rick shouted as Karen opened her door but froze when she saw a herd of walkers coming in their direction.

"Let's go, Karen!" Karen got in and Rick took off; hitting the walkers as he went by and took off down the street.


"What happened to you two?" Carl asked as the two approached him at the front gate.

"Walker Stalkers. What else?" Karen half joked as Carl chuckled softly.

"Did you get formula?"

Karen tossed him the bag as he opened it to see 5 large containers of formula.

"That's my girl." He muttered before he zipped up the bag. Karen smiled before a woman walked in with a baby.

"Hey, Carl. Hey, Dad." The woman greeted as she hugged Carl then Rick.

"Karen, I don't think you've met my daughters. This is Natalie. Natalie, this is Karen." Karen smiled up at Natalie before she looked at the baby.

"What's the cutie's name?" Karen asked as she watched the baby looked at her and cooed happily.

"Her name's Judith." Natalie said with a smile before she began to hand Judith to Karen. Karen slowly took Judith and smiled as Judith giggled and placed her tiny hands on Karen's nose.

Karen giggled before she placed a finger under Judith's chin and wiggled it causing Judith to laugh adorably.

"She likes you." Karen heard Natalie say as Karen smiled softly.

Judith then began to yawn and fall asleep in Karen's arms.

"Someone's sleepy." Karen joked before Natalie slowly took Judith from Karen.

"She needs her nap. I'm going to put her in her crib." Natalie suggested before she grabbed Karen's hand.

"It was nice to meet you." Natalie stated as Karen smiled and nodded before Natalie walked away with Judith.

"Karen, I need you and Carl to get Sasha to Cell Block D right now." Rick ordered as a woman walked in. Karen gasped and realized it was the woman from a couple years ago, Sasha. So if Sasha was here, Tyreese is too.

"You got it, Dad."

808 words

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