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Karen saw herself as her 12 year old self again; standing in line to an amusement ride with her 18 year old sister, Grace.

Karen smiled and jumped up and down as she waited for her turn on the ride. Just as she entered, sirens sounded. And it was no ordinary siren. It was the evacuation sirens. Karen was pulled out of the cart, running with her sister's large hand wrapped around hers.

Karen told herself not to look back. But she did. And all she saw was blood, red, flesh. Things that looked like people began to attack people and eating them.

Tears rolled down her face as she watched but quickly looked away; her chest burning as they entered the parking lot.

Grace quickly yet shakily got her keys out and opened her car door, pulling Karen inside. She started the engine and drive off; leaving the scene as fast as she could.

Karen watched as explosions went off in the city of Atlanta. She hid her face in Grace's shirt as she heard and felt the explosions.

"It's okay, Karen. Just stay strong."

She would say. Karen believed her, but that was when the horror happened.

There was the things in the streets and one was in their way. Grace swerved a little too much causing the car to lose control and flip over. Karen screamed as a piece of glass stuck in her leg and passed out once the car came to a stop.

By the time she woke up, Grace was no where to be found. She struggled to get out of the car because the things were there; clawing at her to get to her flesh.

She was trapped with no where to go. She almost gave up and wanted to die until she heard gunshots. Within about 20 rounds, the things were done.

"It's okay, sweetie. You'll be okay. I got you." Karen looked outside the car and saw a dark skin man and woman with AK-47s. Karen didn't know if she shoukd trust them, but she had no choice.

Karen then looked around before she asked the pair.

"Have you seen my sister, Grace? She has long black hair and a tattoo on her collarbone of a skull." The man looked at the woman before he shook his head; trying to tell her that she didn't make it.

Karen burst into tears when she saw that; that triggering her all too terribly. She didn't how this nightmare started, but she wante dit to end.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tyreese. This is Sasha. You got a name?"

"Karen. Karen Lawson."

438 words

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