chapter 19

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Hey peoples here chapter 19

        also authors note at the end please read

                thank you and enjoy

                     love Heather J


You know that feeling that something bad is going to happen? Well I’ve been having this feeling all day. Maybe it’s because everything in my life right now is perfect. I have the perfect boyfriend, a great relationship with my brother, and the best of friends any girl could have. with that being said you know something is going to happen.

“I’ll see you after class Sammy.” Danny said giving me a peck on the lips.

“Yeah I’ll see you later.” I watched him walk off to his class as a walked into mine. Taking my seat next to Cara and George I turned to Cara and told her about this bad feeling I have. “Do you think something is going to go wrong today?”

“Sam personally I think you’re just being paranoid. All you need to do is just relax, okay? Everything is going to be fine”  She said calming me down.

“Okay.” I said toning back into the lecture that was going on.  

After class ended I walked to my locker to change out my books. Feeling my phone vibrate I notice I received a text message. Opening it there was a picture of Megan and Danny kissing in what seemed to be a closet. I stared at the picture frozen. I told myself to look away but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. No… no…no…! This cant be true! Just then another message was sent but this time it was a room number. With out question I ran to where the door was and slowly put my hand on it. I was scared to know what was behind it, but I knew I had to. Slowly turning the door knob I swung it open. I stood there staring as I watched Danny and that whore pull apart. I stood there unable to move as Danny tried to explain himself. I just stood there as my heart broke because the man I loved with every being of my heart cheated on me.

Reality snapped back into me pulling me out of my trance and let me do what I do the best: I ran.


“Sam?” I  heard my brother call from downstairs. After seeing what I saw  I ran home not caring about school. Not really caring about anything. The sound of my door opening I looked up from my pillow a saw Jake walking in. With one look of me he ran to my bed and pulled me into a hug causing me to break down and sob again. “Oh Sam what happened?”

“H-he…a-a-and h-her…” I sobbed even louder just thinking about it. After a couple minutes of crying and Jake calming me down I started talking again. “I-I saw D-Danny and Megan i-in the c-cl-closet and they w-were…” I trailed of now wanting to saw it. So instead of using words I just show Jake the picture that was sent to my phone.

“That bastard!” Jake yelled jumping off the bed and to the door. “I’m going to kick his ass.”

“No! No Jake please stop, please! It’s my fault!” I yelled out to him cause him to whip around and looking at me with a bewildered look.

“How in the hell is it your fault?!”

“I-I … maybe it’s because I ‘m… I must be a bad girlfriend because this is the second guy that cheated on me. I must have been doing something wrong.” I explained.

 “No no Sam don’t think that. You did nothing wrong they did they lost a perfect relationship with a great girl. Don’t ever think your did something wrong. Okay?” Jake cooed making sure I don’t start crying again. “Go rest okay?” I nodded saying good night to him as he shut the door behind him. That night I cried myself to sleep for the millionth time in my life. I guess I’m just not allowed to be happy.


“You don’t need him. He is not worth any of your tears.” Cara said as we walked out of class.

“But I love him Cara. I love him so much. I just can’t believe he would do this to me.” I said. I looked up from the floor and saw a big group of people surrounding something. “What’s happening?” I asked Cara pointing the crowd.

“I don’t know let check it out.” As we got closer to it I saw Danny and Tony fighting in the middle of it.

“This all your fault!” Danny yelled throwing a punch at Tony.

“I’m not the one who cheated on her.” Tony said ramming Danny into the lockers.

“But you did stupid!” Danny pulled Tony to the floor and started pounding in him.

“Danny stop it!” I yelled grabbing his arm and tried pulling him away, but Danny shrugged me off. I pulled him again and this time I was successful

“Stop!” I yelled  getting the attention of both boys. “Tony go away!” I said looking him. “Go away everybody!” I yelled looking around at everyone. “Not you Danny.” I grabbed his hand making him stay behind after everyone left.


“I just wanted to say that I understand why you did what you did. I forgive you. I know I wasn’t a good girl friend-“

“That’s not-“

“I didn’t do what good girlfriends do.” I continued. “I didn’t… satisfy the needs you have and I’m sorry.” I said as my eyes began to tear up when I saw how sad his face looked. “But I forgive you ad you should be with someone who wouldn’t be so nervous about that … stuff.”

“No Sammy let me explain.”

“You don’t have to I’ve been through this before remember.” I joked laughing humorlessly. “I don’t want to hear excuses. Just please leave me alone, so I can get over you and get on with my life. Okay?” I said looking him in the eyes as my tear fell from my eyes. “I-I love you so much, b-but I can’t do this anymore.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked away and as I did I faintly heard him say ‘I love you too.’   


Hey guys i know you probably hate me but it had to be done. Also there is one more chapter so almost done.

There will been a second book. so i hope you enjoy my story. I would also like more votes (about 20 vote) and comments (about 5 or 10).

Thank you very much


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